Losing Weight Before TTC

Hello All!

My husband and I are about to start TTC -- or at least that's what we were planning on doing. Here's the problem:

I'm overweight. Not terribly so - according to online calculators, I have a BMI of 29.4, with more of my weight residing in my hips and thighs (so lower risk). I'm also active - I jog 2-3 times per week, and I generally sneak in a 30 minute - 1 hour aerobic/strength training workout 3-4 times a week, and I've been at this routine (with some breaks) since February. I eat healthily - lots of fresh produce, whole grains, minimal junk food or soda or dessert. Cheese is a bit of an exception, though I don't sit around consuming mass quantities of that either. Alcohol is occasional, maybe eight drinks a month. I haven't seen the kind of weight loss I was hoping to see from getting active, but my weight does keep moving down (slowly!) and I hear that's better for long term results.

Here's my question: there are a lot of resources that say you should reach a healthy weight before you TTC. I'm about 35 pounds off from that right now. Should I hold off until the scale reads the "right" number?

Thanks for the help, all you beautiful healthy mamas! :heart:


  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Honestly, I say go for it! Sounds like your fitness / health level is good. Pregnancy is likely easier if you're at an ideal weight I can say I'm about 35 lbs overweight and (at 26 weeks now) pregnancy has been a breeze!

    I'll tell you we were "waiting" for me to be an ideal weight, for the mortgage to be paid off, for life to be perfect.... Well, we got close to that point only to learn we were infertile. My reproductive endocrinologist said that at my weight, she wasn't even close to being concerned. I, too, was very active--swimming, running, cycling, etc... She assured me even though I was overweight, my body was strong enough to handle a pregnancy. I'm still relatively active. Less strenuous than before, but I walk & spin still.

    If you're ready to start trying...start trying. It could be this month, it could take a year. I would never advise somebody to put their dreams on hold over a few lbs!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    One important thing to consider first is your age. If you are approaching your mid-thirties, I would say do not wait to get to that magic goal weight. You never know how long it will take you to conceive and as women we are running against the clock. I was in the same boat wondering if I should lose first only I was 38. I When I told the doctor my dilemma about losing weight or trying right away because of my age, she without hesitation told me to get pregnant now and worry about the weight later. I am sure being morbidly obese could have changed her opinion but I don't think a BMI like yours or mine qualifies as morbidly obese.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I agree, sounds like you are getting fit and eating right, so go for it! If you get to your goal weight before becoming pregnant it can be harder emotionally to let yourself gain the necessary pregnancy pounds. So just be healthy and fit for now and lose the weight later. I wish you the best of luck.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I wouldnt wait if it's time it's time, and as my nurse practitioner told me usually babies born to overweight women just pop out.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 548 Member
    Since your weight loss is slow, how long would it take you to lose those 35 lbs? Are you willing to wait that long? I would just keep trying to be healthy and see how it goes. You might get pregnant the first time or it could take a year, you just never know.

    I would love to be down to where I started my other pregnancies (15 lbs lower) but when we are ready to TTC in the spring, if I haven't lost them, we will still TTC.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I agree that your health and fitness sound good now. Those two factors will work heavily in your favor and make your pregnancy easier even if you are overwight. I think the deciding factor would be time and if you are willing to wait a little while to TTC.

    I was in the same predicament before getting pregnant this time. I did not feel rushed to try since I am 30 and we got pregnant so fast with my daughter, so I spent about six months losing 36 pounds before we started TTC. After starting my last pregnancy overweight (and out of shape) I do have to say that this is a million times easier and more comfortable. I am also in much better shape than I was then, so that plays into it as well. I have exisiting back issues and I know that my back would not have handled another pregnancy with 36 extra pounds to carry.

    That is a tough decision and only you can weigh the pros and cons. Being overweight does increase your risks for certain pregnancy complications, but being in good physical health and eating a healthy diet would likely counteract that. Good luck whatever you decide!
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    My husband and I were together 6+ yrs before TTC. There were a lot of factors and life events going on. I kept telling myself there will never be a "perfect" time but there is of course many things that do need to be aligned for it to be a good time. (For us it was careers, money, cross-country move, and my husband being a full-time student)

    Health is important, but being overweight isn't the only factor of health. If everything else is good then it is a very small risk factor. Keep in mind pregnancy isn't easy and will take all your will power to maintain the healthy lifestyle you've started. Hormones will fight you every step of the way. Being prepared for that is half the battle. (Having a strong support network is key.)
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I think you should try to lose the weight then get pregnant. You will feel a lot better being pregnant if you are at a healthy weight. It's hard on your body gaining weight being pregnant so it would be better to start out at a healthier weight. Maybe give yourself a year to try to reach your goal weight then try. I lost 14 pounds before getting pregnant and feel a lot better about my weight gain than I would have if I had just added onto the original number that I was originally at.
  • I think you should try to lose the weight then get pregnant. You will feel a lot better being pregnant if you are at a healthy weight. It's hard on your body gaining weight being pregnant so it would be better to start out at a healthier weight. Maybe give yourself a year to try to reach your goal weight then try. I lost 14 pounds before getting pregnant and feel a lot better about my weight gain than I would have if I had just added onto the original number that I was originally at.

  • Andrea3030
    Andrea3030 Posts: 161
    I agree about the age factor.

    If you are in your twenties/30ish I would lose the weight first. If you are 32+ I would go for it now.
  • Andrea3030
    Andrea3030 Posts: 161
    OK I just checked your profile and I see you are 26. I would try to get to a healthy BMI first, or at least lose another 20 or so lbs. Pregnancy is hard enough on the body as it is without the extra weight.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I lost 52lbs in 2012 and got pregnant in April of 2013. I was very happy I had lost that weight but I dont think there ever would have been a number that "was enough". I wish I had kept going but then who knows what would have come up to stop me from TTC. And how much longer that would have delayed us. Im 20 weeks prengnat (Sunday) and gained only 3lbs back. Its possible to be pregnant and not gain a crap load. Unless your doctor is concerned, I say go for it.
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    We tried for 3 years to conceive during which I lost 45lbs. I was 29 and am 32 now. If you feel healthy and your doctor gives you the go ahead I would consider TTC now and continue to lose weight at the same time. There is no reason you can't lose weight while TTC. I am 39 weeks pregnant now and have gained 50 plus pounds with this pregnancy. I don't think I would have gained this much weight if I had conceived while I was at my heaviest. I think the weight gain during pregnancy really depends on what you eat and how careful you are with exercise. (Obviously and honestly I have let myself go!) I am glad we TTC before I had lost the weight otherwise I would have been 34 years old before TTC and going through all the fertility tests we needed. This would have put me at 35 years old for our first and we would like to have more! Although TTC may come easily for you, if you watch your weight and ask your doctor to assist you, you will be no more likely to have a more difficult pregnancy than I am after having lost the weight and gained it back. If you are ready in all other aspects of your life, I say go for it! Good luck!