
Hi there!
I just came to change the settings on my laptop and found that there was a group tab and found this one. I have had ME/CFS for around fourteen years, since a work related brain injury left me with complications.
I lam 64 and live in Norfolk, UK, and I was a teacher before my injury.
I've managed to lose 25 kg, and very pleased with myself, although I have a long way to go. I am stuck, and eating all the right foods. Exercise is a huge problem, of course, as fatigue and pain get in the way on the days when I just cannot do anything much. My calorie allowance is now down to 1275 per day. I walk as much as I can, but I'm sure you all know that pushing through does not work for us.
My thyroid is also underachieve, but the NHS tests are basic, and I suspect that there is an answer there if only I could get access to more detailed testing.
How do others manage to lose weight?


  • Kosterc4383
    Kosterc4383 Posts: 32 Member
    I was in starvation for at least 10 years. In December 2020 I got a really bad arithmia, put on verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, that made me more active, also more hungry, gained 10 kg/22lbs in 8 months, had heart surgery end of July. Lost the 10 kg again while getting able to walk around again. Started to gain control over the food that is bought and consumed in January. So more in stores and the kitchen. And decided it was time to get back to a bmi of 25, and a fat% of 35%. I do not snack. I dislike chocolate. Just not used to eating out or takeaway. So not many dietary changes, just really pushing to get more protein. Doesn't mean less carbs for me. I been years and years to tired to eat. I really am recovering from ME after housebound/bedbound for 17 years?