Hello! New and looking for support

I am finishing week 3 on saxenda 1.8 dose, 10 lbs down so far and will weigh in tomorrow to see if any during this past week. I have had the vomiting and not able to hardly eat, dealt with that by some slim fast shakes but my concern now is constipation. I know I don’t have alot in my system, but I feel as I need to go, I bought some stool softeners and was interested to hear if anyone else had same issues and how you resolved it. Also, are we allowed to take a multi vitamin while on this, I read something where we shouldn’t?


  • candicane38
    candicane38 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I am 3 weeks in and I have lost 12 lbs. I have the same side effects as you the burping is awful, I threw up in the middle of the night. Tums were helping now I am trying Pepcid. I am just trying my best to stick with it. I move to 2.4 tmrw. I'm afraid to take a multivitamin due to my lack of eating. Let's keep in touch in this journey 😉
  • nanciedrouin
    nanciedrouin Posts: 1 Member
    Can I ask at what dose you started feeling seriously nauseous and throwing up? I only started week 2 yesterday (1.2 dose) and I feel a bit queasy, but that’s all. I only lost 1 lb so far though.
    Regarding constipation, I heard it could be a problem, so I start my day with a 1/4 cup all bran with some banana in cashew milk. So far, it keeps me regular.