Finished 30 day shred

Time taken = 30 days

Total weight lost = 8lb (some of which will be water weight because I'm a constant yoyoer)

Total inch loss
Waist = 4 inch
Hips = 3.5 inch
Chest = 2.75 inch
Leg = 1.5 inch
Arm = 1.25 inch

Photos DAY1 & DAY30

What I can see = stomach flatter and more defined specifically around the waist area, less over hang in horrible flabby bit at the bottom of my stomach, legs thinner at the top and *kitten* lifted.

NSV's = Can fit in the bath with more room, have more clothes i can wear as i can get back into my old jeans. Upper body strength has increased vastly, my pants now cover my bum!!


  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    WAY TO GO!! You look great!!
  • frogface
    frogface Posts: 21 Member
    Great results, well done!
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    Good job!!! You should be very pleased with yourself!!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    What? where did you tummy go? This is incredible, wow! Your arms, your legs, your stomach...wow...just wow! Great job!!!
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    Wow your results give me very mixed feelings. On one hand I'm very happy for you, I bet you're very pleased with the results of your work! On the other hand I just finished as well and I have nowhere near your results...
    Pics due tomorrow morning (when I get the apartment for myself), I just hope I see the tiniest difference!

    Congrats again!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Well done! I love this DVD but had to stop again due to joint pain. I will try and try again though. One day I'll get all the way through!

    You've done a super job!
  • kristinksmith
    kristinksmith Posts: 44 Member
    I stalled out at week 2 for 30 Day Shred. THis is motivation to get back on track. Job well done!
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123
    Awesome! You look great!
  • mischelleguerrero
    mischelleguerrero Posts: 12 Member
    You look amazing!! I can see a huge difference on every part of your body.You should be very proud of yourself!
  • Thank you all, i did forget one BIG NSV.

    Day one i couldnt hardly get to my knee on the stretch out at the end of the workout but by day 30 i could cup my toes:drinker: :laugh:
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    AWESOME progress, very motivational for those of us still going through this. Great dedication!!! :drinker:
  • JumpinJill
    JumpinJill Posts: 63 Member
    Awesome job!
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Wow! Great job! Definitely a noticeable difference. Good for you!
  • Those of you finishing up your 30 days remember to post your finished pictures, and also your final results too.
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    my final results are in

    i lost 4.4 lbs and 9 inches. i was hoping for more weight but oh well. i dont see a huge difference in the photos either, but i dont really care because i feel great.




  • That's wonderful, I feel a lot better about my shape and in my ability for exercise now. I also found weight loss slowed while doing it but the inches show a lot. Just waiting on your pics to correct now. I cant wait to see.
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    uugh, i cant edit my post. i dont know why they arent showing. ill try again

  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    very weird....
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    this is stupid


  • haha maybe try tinypic instead of photobucket. you dont need an account