Roll Call ~Thursday 1/20/2022

podkey Posts: 5,211 Member
Wow up and at em gents!!!


  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,211 Member
    Can't believe I am first one up. Heck it is 0440 here and 0740 on East Coast!

    Mild weather here near PDX. A bit wet yesterday but looks to be dry for more than the next 5 days starting this p.m.

    My oncologist was pleased with the test results I reported on earlier. I was OK with doing a zoom appt.

    Hope all are doing better with the pains.

    Great bowls Dave!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,437 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Glad the oncologist was pleased.

    Yeah, Bob, it was freakishly warm when I took Sassy out for her morning constitutional. 51 degrees is more like a high, for this time of year, not the temp at 4:30.

    No plans for today. I really need to wash the car, though.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 9,217 Member
    edited January 2022
    Mornin' gents.

    Just had a word with my friend Steve from Kansas. Great to hear his voice.

    I got to sleep in today. Let the dogs out at 5 am and went back to bed. DW was doing her morning cleaning frenzy around me with the TV on and I was out. She made me take my temperature because of all the positive COVID cases that have been going on around us but I am fine. Just took a home test and it was negative too. Just needed a wee bit more sleep.

    Great news, Bob. Thanks for starting us off.

    I heard TOAD was located! Yay!

    Your wood turning pieces always amaze me, Dave. Beautiful craftsmanship.

    Be OP ;-)
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 5,022 Member
    TOAD is home and from what I can tell other than very dirty only has torn leather on passenger backrest, do not know what it is going to cost to repair, detailer wants $165 to clean and get scratches out of paint which were showing when I purchased; said he could not get scratches out of chrome. Will give more details later
    Great news Bob!!!
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Well, I really did post earlier. I wonder if I was poofed, or if I wrote my response on some other thread.

    I walked my dog this morning at 6 degrees. Add some wind chill, and it was 10ish below. WAY more refreshing than the balmy temps on the left coast.

    Frankie has a great new friend in Dr. Lee. Thank you! It was great to hear your voice "for real". Thank you for some fantastic advice.

    Awesome to hear that TOAD was found. I'm anxious to hear what adventures your trike has been on. Hopefully, something fun like drug running through the South, or something exciting like that.

    Have a great rest of your day!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,797 Member
    Good Afternoon

    Got up went to prayer (zoom) and then got some work done before we headed off to Hayward for Covid testing at a church there. Thankfully they were able to move my appointment tomorrow forward and test me too. But we are a bit exhausted when we got home. Glad to see that church step up for the community and partner with Alameda County Health to provide space & volunteers.

    Dave I love the bowls. I really liked the red wood one but both are rather amazing.

    Bob, glad to hear the good report!

    TOAD lives! I hope the repairs go well and you are covered. Perhaps this is a taste of the adventures the two of you are in for on the road!