The Trials

All new members are expected to prove their worth by passing a respective trial...

The trial of reps is a trial based on repetition and is considered one of the most difficult. A new member is expected to complete over 1000 repetitions of any one workout within the first week of their joining.

The trial of strength is based on sheer will and brute force, not an easy trial to undertake. A new member is expected to complete 5 max weight lifts within the first week of their joining.

The trial of endurance is based on perseverance, a steadfast mind in the face of arduous work. A new member is expected to complete a one and a half mile run without stopping.

These are the rites, and we hold them sacred to our creed. Pass them and you become more than just a member... you become blood-kin.

Good luck and Godspeed, recruits.