The silence is killing me 😭



  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm baaaaaaaaack!!! 12 weeks post-op and I've been able to ride the last three mornings. My foot still hurts and my trainer is making me use the mounting block for now, but I was about to walk/trot/canter/rollback/and try one spin. The little roan mare I've been riding absolutely cleaned up at the rodeo and she's even better than she was four months ago. I feel very fortunate to be able to ride her. Hopefully, I will be back on my own mare soon!
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 70 Member
    edited April 14
    Hello again!

    @Mouse_Potato - Looks like you made it back a little earlier than you expected from your last post. Mounting block or not, that's so awesome! I can see its been over a week since you posted, so have you been back on your mare? How's her training coming?

    I confess, I jumped the gun a little expressing my delight with my Mom & Aunt "Riding for Fitness". Once again, Mom has stopped riding after only 8 rides this year (her last ride was March 18th). And since she's not riding, Aunt isn't really interested. I think Mom likes my horses & to ride them, but she seems to lose interest & make excuses frequently. SOOOO, I too might be a changeling since I'm the only one in my family as well that tries to stay active consistently (even though my activities aren't necessarily consistent) as well as the only equestrian. On the upside: I can ride my horses longer since Slate can handle my weight better than Sunny who is still limited to 30-45 minute rides. Slate & I went for 10.8 miles yesterday in a different neighborhood 🤠

    Just a side note about my MFP news feed absence: My diary is public so anyone can see what I log (when I log) but I have stopped having my exercises automatically posted. I use Equilab to track my horseback rides, Garmin for other exercises, and ALL post to Google Fit & MFP. Unfortunately, MFP can't tell them apart so there are duplicates that I have to edit or delete every day.