Is this still an active group?

Hi! I’m Garth. I am a retired teacher and am 66. Three years ago my spouse was diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, a degenerative disease of which there is no cure. Being a full time caregiver, I admit I would rather rest when I have the opportunity than exercise. I was hoping to find others who might have a similar experience and get ideas for motivation.


  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 927 Member
    Taking a course thru BCSS ( B.C. Schizophrenia Society) and last nite we discussed "Self-Care Balance Wheel", rating ourselves from 1 to 10 on Mental self-care, physical self-care, Emotional self-care and Spritual self-care. I'm so burned out I'd rate myself at a 2 to 3 in each of the sectors.

    ?anyone else wanting to join me in lessening or recovering Caregiver Burn-out?