Putting Program Together.

JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
I am in Week 3 of an 8 week program with very little heavy lifting. I already miss it, and will be going back to Wendler when I'm done. Because I tend to be scatter brained and exercise ADD, I am trying to figure out what I want to do. I will also want to be getting back to running, so I plan on doing two big lifts on the same day, two days a week, which I know will be hard, but doable.

I am a 36 year old, 5'4(and some change)", 133ish pound female. My goal is to maintain my muscle while losing. I was 117 last year, and would love to get back there. im roughly 28% bf right now, id love tobe under 25%. My diet sucks, I'm working on that. My TDEE at sedentary is just over 1600, so I'll probably eat around there. Strength gains would be nice, but are a secondary goal for now. I'd like help with accessory work, whether or not I really need it, ideas, etc.

I'll be doing sprints/intervals/speed work on Mondays, HIIT of some sort on Wednesday, a run on Friday with varying paces and a longer run on Saturday if I feel like it.

My thought is that I'll bench and squat on Tuesdays and deadlift and OHP on Thursdays. I was thinking of 3x10 of flys, hammer curls, glute bridges and lunges as Tuesday's accessory work and 3x10 of weighted bench dips and bent over rows on Thursdays. I feel like I need something else on Thursdays, but I'm unsure of what to add. I guess this is the bodybuilder template, but with less sets, right? I workout at home with access to a bench, safety rack, Olympic bar, smaller bar, plates and dumbbells. I do not have a pull up bar.

Thoughts? Ideas? Thanks.
