What is your routine?

timshank Posts: 3 Member
What games and at what frequency/duration are your VR workouts?

My workout is
warmup - 3 songs on Synth Riders
cardio - 30 minutes with the hardest opponent in The Thrill of the Fight
cooldown - 3 songs on Synth Riders or >10 minutes of RacketNX or Pistol Whip

The generic analysis of these games puts the above workout at just over 1000 cals. I suspect the actual calorie burn is higher than the generic analysis because I use the 'hard' setting on everything except for TTotF.

TTotF is punishing on the normal settings and I'm on the toughest opponent but I monitor my pulse and make sure to keep it at or above 90-95% of my maximum (170) for the entire 3 minutes.

I workout at least every weekday, but try to squeeze in a weekend day when I can.

What is your routine?


  • alyxjerina8957
    alyxjerina8957 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! Here is my current routine:
    • Supernatural - Boxing (~15m, Low Intensity)
    • Supernatural - Flow (~15, Low Intensity)
    • Beat Saber - Go into an Online QuickPlay room and play at Normal difficulty for at least 30m but let my body kind of determine how long/hard I go.

    I find that doing it this way, I burn between 400-800 calories a day and I get the benefit of cardio and working different muscle groups. Also the Beat Saber QuickPlay rooms operates kind of like a circuit because of the delay in between songs. You can come in and out of different HR zones and I think it gives me more endurance and overall less recovery. I just started this but I lost a dramatic amount of weight in about a week (10 lbs.)

    I want to try LiteBoxer. Never heard of Synth Riders. I have Pistol Whip, and I'm just generally bad at it lol