Week 2 Challenge



  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Not a great weekend - again. Taken out to dinner on Friday and had parties on Saturday and sunday. Plus I worked all day on Saturday, so no exercise time. I have logged everything, over my mfp allowance but under total daily calorie burn.

    I've only managed 600 cals exercise so far, so had better jump to it.
  • gingerFLA
    gingerFLA Posts: 14 Member
    Balancing out the backyard BBQ food with workouts for calorie burn over this holiday weekend. Restricted alcohol to only one day of the weekend. Pushing myself to make smart choices; if I indulge, I'm cutting the portion in half (or less) to just satisfy my craving, but not sabotage my success. Burned about 1800 cal so far for week 2 challenge. Feeling those crunches & push-ups when I get out of bed in the morning :)
    Love learning from you all! Keep sharing your secrets for success!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    The weekend was okay, I managed to stay under my calories (barely).
    Just returned home from a long session at the gym, and now I am ready for my bed :-)

    So far, I did the pushups, some crunches (decided to go with 50 per day instead of 100, because I am doing similar exercises at the gym, and for another challenge), and the 2500 calories won't be a problem. Eating clean is a real challenge, though!
  • momofrugrats
    momofrugrats Posts: 30 Member
    Yesterday was okay: I did 30 minutes of exercise, 8 glasses of water but did not do the sit ups and push ups. Today was suppose to be a 6 mile run but my oldest daughter wasn't able to go to her adult day program so she is home with me, hopefully tomorrow or later this evening I can get some cardio in.
  • omgsmg
    Haven't had much time to do a full update on this weeks challenge. I decided to set my calorie burning goal at 3,000 because I burn calories really fast right now and I knew that would be a bit of a challenge for me because I never burn that many in a week. I think I'm going to hit my goal though.

    Push ups are definitely something I absolutely cannot do. I can't even hold myself into the push up position for longer than 30 seconds, so I decided to skip the push ups and add 10 sit ups to my challenge. Sit ups are hard as well, but I've done them every day except for one. I've continued with the crunches but added 50 more to it since I felt like the sit ups weren't enough for lack of push ups.

    Water intake has been on target every day except one as well.

    So far, I've exercised 5 days out of challenge start. Sunday I went WAY over my calorie intake but wasn't upset about it because I am almost always within target. I made up for it on Monday with a 3.5 mile walk though so I felt really good about that!

    Today, I attempted an online Zumba video. It is very fast paced and even though I know I did a couple of things differently I didn't stop once and tried my hardest to keep up with it. It was nice doing something different for a change, maybe I'll try it again.

    And even if i don't lose any weight this week, I'm proud of the things I've done! Hopefully all of you ladies can say the same!
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I meant to catch up with my cal burn, but worked 12 hours yesterday and then made dinner and it was tooooo late.

    I went for it today and hope to do something similar tomorrow.

    I cannot do push ups. I have arms like string. Have done some big old sets of crunches though.

    My food diary has been very good and under since the weekend....

    Still, hardly expecting a delightful surprise weighing in. BUT the challenge is on my mind and I'm doing a lot better with it than I would without it.

    Best to all.
  • AZRunnerGirlinErie
    This week didn't go as planned. Just started working out again yesterday since I have been sick for the last week and a half. Still taking it easy and not doing a lot of cardio but am beginning Crossfit again.

    My Original Goals:
    50 Pushups / Day
    1500 Calorie Burn For The Week

    Actual Numbers:
    50 Pushups / Day = Thursday & Friday only
    Total Calorie Burn For The Week = 857

    I'm okay with what I've accomplished this week considering how sick I was. What I'm most proud of though is that this group has kept me accountable for logging, which I was desperately needing. Thank you!
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    I burned 1478 calories this week and tried push ups only did 10, I did do a total of 150 sit ups. eatting was not bad I did add whole foods but didn't do well today. I will do my best next week.
  • momofrugrats
    momofrugrats Posts: 30 Member
    Only burned 1200+ calories this week which is a low for me, my norm is approximately 2000. I did well on my water and food intake. Push ups were a no and sit ups were not my best effort. Hoping to do better with week 3's challenge.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    I burned more than 3000 cals this week, thanks to the stationary bike at the gym :-)
    With the other exercises i did not do so well, I planned for 20 pushups each day, but managed only 5 days. Same with the crunches. Water and calorie intake was okay, though.
    So all in all, i am quite content with myself, and I think the gym is really making a difference - I think I noticed a small difference how my jeans fit (of course, this could be just wishful thinking), and I feel better and more confident.

    And all your updates on the newsfeed are motivating, too! :flowerforyou: