Countdown Activity 2 - Exercise



  • Yiche912
    Yiche912 Posts: 6,501 Member
    edited June 2022
    With the summer here, I know I can walk for a longer period. Also, the garden in the backyard needs tending to. I am also reintroducing Tai Chi in my routine and some yoga and Callanetics which I need for flexibility. Turbo Jam which uses free weights and bands will also be in my priority list. Taking all of these in, I can easily do 90 minutes per day minimum.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    Treadmill 30 to 40 minutes @2.4 mph - Monday - Friday Morning
    Minimally - I will continue this plan.

    Increase to 45 minutes @2.6 by the end of these 8 weeks
    Week 1 40 minutes @ 2.4
    Week 2 40 minutes @2.4
    Week 3 41 minutes @2.5
    Week 4 41 minutes @2.5
    Week 5 42 minutes @2.4
    Week 6 43 minutes @2.5
    Week 7 44 minutes @2.5
    Week 8 45 minutes @ 2.6

    Outside Walk Saturday or Sunday 3 miles by the end of these 8 weeks (haven't done this since 2020)
    Starting Week 2

    Week 2 1.5 miles
    Week 3 1.7 miles
    Week 4 1.9 miles
    Week 5 2.3 miles
    Week 6 2.6 miles
    Week 7 2.8 miles
    Week 8 3 miles
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,705 Member
    I'm one of those early rising people who get up at 4:00 AM and exercise before work. 😁 Pre-COVID it was either spinning or bobby pump at the gym on my way to work. After 18 months of riding my stationary bike with the Peloton app I splurged for the bike. 🎉 I also bike outside 🚴‍♀️ and walk 🚶‍♀️weather permitting.
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    I love to exercise. Eating is my problem. Exercise, for me, is fun. I get in 6 days of exercise of various kinds, including yoga, step aerobics, weight lifting, walking, and elliptical. I love weight lifting and I take it seriously!
  • mlkdud
    mlkdud Posts: 147 Member
    I started doing wall push ups and squats 3 times a day. It’s amazing how much that small amount makes! And right now I’m aiming to walk 20 min every day until we leave on vacation-July 14. So far so good.
  • hayds342
    hayds342 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have just recovered from an ankle sprain and gently getting back to my routine. First walk today :)

    My goal is to be back to full speed by the end of next week, depending on ankle stability. My weekly routine usually looks like this.
    Saturday Full body ST 50mins, half day walk hill/flat/beach walk.
    Sunday rest day, normally walk 120 mins or sporting activity.
    Monday Lower Body ST, 50 mins, min 40 min walk.
    Tuesday rest day, 120min plus walk hill climb.
    Wednesday Upper body ST 50 mins, Min 40 Min walk.
    Thursday ST Core and back 45, Hill walk with weights.
    Friday ST no repeat with rapid burn, min 40 mins walk.
    Plus gardening etc. I listen to my body and about once a fortnight I have a complete day off beside gardening and usually plan my next adventure.
  • Marileighea
    Marileighea Posts: 1,506 Member
    I will take a 20 minute walk right now, and tomorrow, and the days after that until I can begin increasing my time. I will think very strongly about add Strength Training. (Oh, how I miss those SP videos!)
  • epivan
    epivan Posts: 467 Member
    I do a 30-minute circuit workout 5x per week, cycle at least 50 miles, and I'm working on the SoCal 6-Pack of Peaks Challenge.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,601 Member
    My summer exercise is one or all three of these:
    Early morning gardening
    Walking with my walking buddy
  • ohnogoldens
    ohnogoldens Posts: 490 Member
    Going back to work has been tough. I am exhausted after work.
    I do the farm work every day, morning and night.
    I am walking at work on breaks and want to continue that.
    I have promised the dogs to start walking on these roads and learn this homestead and what is here. One or 2 dogs at a time so 2 walks on Sat and on Sun
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 2,949 Member
    My plan is 60 mins walking, 30 stretching and 20 strength every day. I don’t get home until 11pm Monday so start the strength Tuesday
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,356 Member
    edited July 2022
    My goal is to exercise a MINIMUM of 4 days/week at 30 minutes per day. My favorite way to exercise is to get outside and walk. A secondary goal is to move and get in at least 6,000 steps EVERY day of the Challenge. I tend to do best when I have the Challenge marked in my phone's calendar as a weekly appointment. As I check my calendar a lot for work, this is always there, as a reminder.

    I need to try to incorporate ST into my routine. Just don't enjoy doing that ~ so I tend to get lazy about it. (My arms are 'mushy' as a result). I really need to work on changing that.
    Heidi (hicim705)
    2022 Summer 5% Challenge
    Overall Co-Leader, 2022 Summer 5% Challenge hosted on MFP