weight loss surgery and PCOS

KimmieTino Posts: 2 Member

I am new to the group and recently had weight loss surgery to help with my PCOS symptoms. I was diagnosed at 15 with PCOS and the symptoms got increasingly worse over the years (surprise surprise)

3 months ago I had Gastric Sleeve to reduce the symptoms (weight gain, body hair growth, hair loss, skin discoloration and tags, no period, depression) I have been amazed with the results in such a short period of time. The weight loss was expected, but I didn't expect so many of the PCOS symptoms to go away so quickly!!!!

Anybody else have surgery to correct the symptoms??


  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    Hi! I haven't had weight loss surgery and don't plan to, but I do know that weight loss is basically supposed to reverse many of the PCOS symptoms, so it sounds like that's what's happening to you. Congratulations!
  • FearlessCourt
    I had the sleeve in April to help with my PCOS as well. Unfortunately I havne't had the same results as you have. I have lost a total of 90 lbs since the begining of my journey in January. I have noticed the slowed hair growth and not as much acne (I didn't have too much to begin with) but haven't had my period still. Its been almost 8 months with out a period. Hoping my body starts catching up with me soon. I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 17.