Weekly updates go here



  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    My weekly update:
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Chistmas
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (start weight: goal to lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 2 (August 21): 96.9 kg
    Week 3 (August 28): 96.9 kg (lost 0.0 kg this week; average 0.37 kg/week so far; still 7.0 kg to go within 18 weeks: 0.41 kg/week)
    No loss this week at all. Not sure what happened. Did not manage to log food very well because of very hectic work week. Challenging week ahead with a lot of meetings with meals and drinks. Did do some extra exercise today though!
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    edited September 2022
    And another weekly update!
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 3 (August 28): 96.9 kg
    Week 4 (September 4): 96.4 kg
    ==> Lost 0.5 kg this week, 1.5.kg in total, average 0.38 kg/week
    ==> Still 6.5 kg to go within 17 weeks: 0.38 kg/week
    Back on track of losing weight despite many social activities and weekend shift at work. Happy and motivated to continue! :)
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update!
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 4 (September 4): 96.4 kg
    Week 5 (september 11): 96.1 kg
    ==> Lost 0.3 kg this week, 1.8.kg in total, average 0.36 kg/week
    ==> Still 6.2 kg to go within 16 weeks: 0.39 kg/week
    Happy to keep losing weight. Little bit less loss this week than expected: weird outlier today of full kg higher than yesterday. Anyway: feeling good! 😀
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update!
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 5 (september 11): 96.1 kg
    Week 6 (September 18): 95.8 kg
    ==> Lost 0.3 kg this week, 2.1 kg in total, average 0.35 kg/week
    ==> Still 5.9 kg to go within 15 weeks: 0.39 kg/week
    Good start of the week, with low numbers. Challenging end with many social events and tiredness, ending op losing “only” 0.3 kg. On the other hand: still going down steadily!
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update!
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 6 (September 18): 95.8 kg
    Week 7 (September 25): 96.0 kg
    ==> Gained 0.2 kg this week, lost 1.9 kg in total, average 0.27 kg/week
    ==> Still 6.1 kg to go within 14 weeks: 0.44 kg/week
    Now that was a super-busy week, with lots of challennges in terms of work related festivities. And lots of stress so stopped logging food. Another such week ahead, will try to not go all out on everything and get back on track soon after!
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update. Two weeks, actually.
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 8 (October 2): 96.2 kg
    Week 9 (October 9): 96.4 kg
    ==> lost 1.5 kg in total, average 0.17 kg/week
    ==> Still 6.5 kg to go within 12 weeks: 0.54 kg/week
    Challenging 2 weeks, including 2 conferences abroad with all social activities (drinks, dinners) that go with it. Coming 3 weeks are a lot more quiet, so plan is to get back on tract and go towards 94 kg by the beginning of November.
  • JuliaGirl132
    JuliaGirl132 Posts: 91 Member
    @SimpleSimonEU Great job this week with all the travel and social engagements!
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update.
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 9 (October 9): 96.4 kg
    Week 10 (October 16th): 95.7 kg
    ==> lost 0.7 kg this week, 2.2 kg in total, average 0.22 kg/week
    ==> Still 5.8 kg to go within 10 weeks: 0.58 kg/week
    Yes! Back on track this week, even with a little catching up of the 2 busy weeks. Let's go!
  • JuliaGirl132
    JuliaGirl132 Posts: 91 Member
    Goal: 150 lbs (68 kg) by Christmas
    Sept 25: 173.5 lbs (78.7 kg) Starting Weight
    Oct 9: 168.8 lbs (76.6 kg)
    Oct 16: 166 lbs (75.3 kg)

    Loss this week: 2.8 lbs (1.3 kg)
    Total loss since Sept 25: 7.5 lbs (3.4 kg)
    Avg loss/week (3 weeks): 2.5 lbs (1.13 kg)
    Lbs/kg to go: 16 lbs (7.3 kg)
    Avg loss/week needed to reach goal (10 weeks): 1.6 lbs (.73 kg)

    Weight loss is always easier the first few weeks. I realize I’ve set an aggressive goal and it will become increasingly difficult to hit that .73 kg/week. But it’s doable and I’ve committed to the task and to a lifestyle that’s working for me. Whole foods, mostly plant based. Seems that many highly processed foods don’t agree with me. Plus, I’m able to eat quite a bit and still remain within my calorie goals. :)
  • JuliaGirl132
    JuliaGirl132 Posts: 91 Member
    October 23, 2022
    Goal: 150 lbs (68 kg) by Christmas
    Sept 25: 173.5 lbs (78.7 kg) Starting Weight

    Oct 16: 166 lbs (75.3 kg)
    Oct 23: 163.9 lbs (74.34 kg)

    Loss this week: 2.1 lbs (0.96 kg)
    Total loss since Sept 25: 9.6 lbs (4.36 kg)
    Lbs/kg to go: 13.9 lbs (6.34 kg)
    Avg loss/week needed to reach goal (9 weeks): 1.54 lbs (.7 kg)
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update.
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 9 (October 9): 96.4 kg
    Week 10 (October 16th): 95.7 kg
    Week 11 (October 23rd): 95.8 kg
    Week 12 (October 30th): 95.8 kg
    ==> lost 0.0 kg this week, 2.1 kg in total, average 0.18 kg/week
    ==> Still 5.9 kg to go within 8 weeks: 0.74 kg/week
    Not unhappy: stable weight despite a week of vacation with all kinds of temptations. And fall has never been my most energetic time of year anyway. In the next week I want to get back on track of loosing 0.4-0.5 kg a week. My initial plan to loose 8 kg by Christmas seems out of reach, but still possible to get to a very rewarding 4-5 kg. Let's go!
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    @JuliaGirl132 Nice to see you here and great work! Your goal indeed seems ambitious, but it looks like you are well on your way. Keep up the good work! :)
  • JuliaGirl132
    JuliaGirl132 Posts: 91 Member
    Goal: 150 lbs (68.04 kg) by Christmas
    Sept 25: 173.5 lbs (78.7 kg) Starting Weight
    Oct 16: 166 lbs (75.3 kg)
    Oct 23: 163.9 lbs (74.34 kg)
    Oct 30: 162 lbs (73.48)

    Loss this week: 1.9 lbs (0.86 kg)
    Total loss since Sept 25: 9.6 lbs (5.22 kg)
    Lbs/kg to go: 12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    Avg loss/week needed to reach goal (8 weeks): 1.5 lbs (.68 kg)
  • JuliaGirl132
    JuliaGirl132 Posts: 91 Member
    @SimpleSimonEU That's impressive to go on vacation for a week and be able to maintain your weight! :)
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update.
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 12 (October 30th): 95.8 kg
    Week 13 (November6th): 95.0 kg
    ==> lost 0.8 kg this week, 2.9 kg in total
    ==> Still 5.1 kg to go within 7 weeks
    Back on track, nice loss this wee. Let’s keep this going for a couple of weeks!
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    @JuliaGirl132 Those are some impressive numbers! Tell us, what is yous secret?
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    And another weekly update.
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 13 (November 6th): 95.0 kg
    Week 14 (November 13th): 95.0 kg
    ==> lost 0.0 kg this week, 2.9 kg in total
    ==> Still 5.1 kg to go within 6 weeks
    No loss this week, but it weight will come down in coming 2 weeks with few distractions... Let's see how far I come in the next 5 weeks :smiley:
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    @JuliaGirl132 Those are some impressive numbers! Tell us, what is yous secret?

    Thanks! I have a daily meal plan that I can follow for a long time, if there is not a lot of distraction. As long as I fall back on that plan, I can manage my weight and feel good. Not losing as much as I had hoped for this challenge, but still - on average - going down despite many distractions (stress, social events, autumn darkness, lack of physical activity).
  • JuliaGirl132
    JuliaGirl132 Posts: 91 Member
    Went off-plan last week. As a kindness to myself, I will wait and weigh in next Sunday. :(
    Doing better this week. :)
    I just have to remember to stick to eating whole foods, primarily plant based (though not entirely) and avoid the highly processed stuff and wine. With that, I don't have cravings and I feel amazing. As soon as I decide to detour back to old habits for a day, it's back to cravings and less energy. I keep thinking I've learned my lesson. Hopefully, this time I will remember! Plus, I actually like the whole food fruits, vegetables, beans/legumes, grains, nuts and seeds more, Go figure.
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    Weekly update.
    Goal: 89.9 kg by Christmas (= lose 8.0 kg)
    Week 0 (August 7): 97.9 kg (= start weight)
    Week 14 (November 13th): 95.0 kg
    Week 15 (November 20th): 94.7 kg
    ==> lost 0.3 kg this week, 3.2 kg in total
    ==> still 4.8 kg to go within 5 weeks
    And lost 0.3 kg again this week, nice! Hope to reach losing a total of 4.0 kg in the coming weeks, which would be half my goal, but in a sustainable way. And seeing changes in/on my body that really motivate to continue. Feeling confident I can manage!