New to group and app

Hi! My name is Sandi. I am a caregiver and also Executive Director of a non-profit for the unhoused.

Last year I suffered a TBI and now have post concussion syndrome and still experiencing symptoms from Covid (has in May) As a result I gained a substantial amount of weight. I was over weight before but it never impaired me in any way. Now I am struggling

I am using this app to keep my eating under control and also working out using my Oculus.

My greatest struggle is not making time to care for myself. I need to change that. I work better with support, so hoping to find that here.

I started 1.5 weeks ago and am down 7lbs. I should be jumping up and down, but when I look at how much more I have to lose, I get overwhelmed.

I have not tried any recipes yet, but looking forward to it. I am a vegetarian who is not really fond of many vegetables…lol.

I also rescue dogs. I currently have a senior shepherd and a cane corso. I also have a cat named Olive. I am a single mom of 2 adult disabled sons. One son lives in own apartment with support and my other son lives with me.

I look forward to meeting you all!