Cup o Joe NYE edition

steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
If you go running with me be prepared to walk.


  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Morning all.

    Today is our annual state of the union meeting. We go over what we spent this year (a bit more than planned but dang close…that double month of health insurance is what did it…plus the cost of nuts. Omg are they getting expensive) and budget for next year. We will also make tentative plans for the next few months.

    It’s a glorious sunny day so probably a good long walk too.

    Happy new year
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Good last morning of 2022 BBB Friends.
    • We have dueling opening entries this morning. Looks like Steph beat Skip by a minute, so I am going with that one.
    • A friend is getting a new high end tv delivered by Best Buy today. I need to go help move some furniture.
    • DW is working a private party at our clubhouse tonight. I got invited to keep her happy. Most of them will be dancing. I will be watching GA beat OSU (I hope).
    • There was some good college football yesterday. I expect there will be more today.
    • Mary the HOA meeting to discuss the budget and increase in dues went well. I think people appreciated the fact that we had residents working on it and not just the developer.
    • I hope the offshore annual meeting goes well today
    • Good motorcycle ride yesterday to one of our favorite BBQ joints. Right at the end we saw 70°. Quite a change from Friday last week. That's what I like about GA weather. It will get cold, but it does stay cold.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Sorry Skip, you got edged out.

    Only watched about a bit of the Notre Dame game yesterday. It was strange to see the Orange Bowl on Dec. 30. I remember when there were three big bowl games, all on New Year's Day: The Cotton Bowl, The Rose Bowl and The Orange Bowl. Any other bowl games were just fillers. How things have changed.

    Got a new dust collector for my shop yesterday and spent some time unpacking and assembling it. Supposed to be a two-person job, but I managed on my own. I am still awaiting delivery of some additional parts so I can actually use the thing. It should make the air in my shop healthier. I have breathed a lot of dust over the years and don't want to do any more damage.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Morning,
    Really enjoyed ride yesterday, ate way too much which meant I should have skipped supper, made some biscuits and salmon patties.
    Watching TV with DGS this morning
    Planning to see football this afternoon and evening. GA game not starting till 8 is almost a sure bet I'll be up till midnight,
    I don't make resolutions because that is a sure sign, I am going to break them, will just try to be a better person, and have a healthier body. I can say I'm in better health than fifteen years ago.
  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,565 Member
    Good morning.

    Are decisions made abroad binding on a US partnership? I think you'll at least need a notary present or something.

    If Cecilia's feeling better today then we have dinner reservations tonight and a date with the ghost of Dick Clark to ring in the new year. If she's not, then we'll eat Chinese leftovers from last night - becuase I've only been on WW forever and should know better than to eat Chinese before my Saturday AM weigh in.
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,035 Member
    I'd like a recount 😂😂😂

    Here's to:

  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,606 Member
    Ha lol Skip!

    We just left Costco with lobster tail and fillet mignon and laundry soap and a 24pk of cage free eggs for 5.99. Eggs are a bargin.

    Ds2 and ddil are coming g over for nye dinner tonight. Since theres a bun in their oven, they are hanging with us older folks tonight. Lol

    Doubt I will be awake til Midnight!

    Got all the inside decor put away and tree is down and outside! Yay!!!house looks neat and clean

    Happy New Year folks!
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Evenin' BBB

    Hanging with DW...playing a board game, eating takeout, and drinking wine.
    Its her birthday wish. Guess I'm cooler than I thought.
    Coconut cake later.
    Funny Lou and Skip.

    BBB OP ;-)