I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

MNguerita Posts: 198 Member
Hello friends....after two long years I have finally managed to remove myself from an abusive relationship. I have moved back to the twin cities where my friends and close family are and am eager to get back into working on me. Though I am thrilled to have this new start, I still find myself making excuses and not keeping my eye on the prize. Any motivation will be greatly appreciated. If anyone is looking for a walking buddy (I'm in the Lakeville area right now, though hope to move a little closer to the cities in the next year) or just want to chat or need motivation too give me a holler. There is strength in numbers! I'm glad to be back and look forward to seeing what we can accomplish!

P.s. Also trying to decide on a gym in the area...any good bad or ugly experiences to take into consideration when deciding?