Roll call ~ tuesday january 24, 2023

mikehikemike Posts: 3,561 Member
Good morning gents.


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,561 Member
    Snow and ice yesterday has brought down some hefty tree branches, although we still have power fortunately. There's a nice 6" of powder on the ground. Could be good for XC-skiing but I'd need to stay out of the trees. I did charge the lead batteries I keep for my CPAP, just in case. Decided not to go canoeing today, because the forecast is for 35 mph winds.

    Bob, am praying they get that eye figured out...

    Made it through yesterday without eating between meals till evening; felt good to be a bit more under control.

    Have a good day.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,280 Member
    Good morning!

    Mike, I hope that you get some winter snow exercising in. Frankly, you can have it. I prefer non-snow. We are supposed to get some tomorrow. We have not had much snow this winter and I'm OK with that.

    Connie did great with her speaking last night. I know that her speaking makes a difference.

    Tonight, we have our last scheduled private dance lesson. I don't know if we will continue with lessons or not, but I hope we do. In part, it will depend on cost.

    Work wore me down yesterday. I have to get out of this work funk that I'm in. I'm not enjoying work much these days.

    Bill, Bob, praying for your health issues.

    Dave, your experience with Sassy is why Connie and I have not taken a vacation again in three years. Connie feels that if we were to leave Frankie for several days that she would not survive that. I think that is a bit extreme, but to some extent she has a point. I just find it frustrating.

    Have a great day!
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,837 Member
    I know our pets becomes our kids, but even when our kids were small at least once a year we would get a vacation in without our kids. Then have one with them.
    Bob, pray eye is better
    You all can keep snow even though it is cold here and snow is pretty we do not want you to share.
    Bill, hope you can keep back in control till you can get knee fixed next month; older brothers hip helped his back and knee.
    Steve, all I can say is keep on keeping on; I never enjoyed a yearend close but overall enjoyed my job; a couple of Saturdays I would work where no one could bother me to get closed without interruption, greatly reduced overall stress.
    Has Lee abandoned us? Pray he is OK.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,180 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I am in understanding and patient mode, today. Rita has a colonoscopy tomorrow. Today, she is on clear liquids and the great purge. I am sure she will be out of sorts - as would we all.

    I will get in the shop to process at least one of the two cherry logs I have remaining. I am getting tired of rough-turning wet wood. I want to finish something.

    I considered taking dance lessons with Rita, but the cost out me off. We hate spending money. But being cheap has served us well.

  • myallforjc
    myallforjc Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning

    Heather and I were going to take dance lessons years ago but did not since it was too hard to arrange with our schedules (mostly mine). Perhaps once we resettle and I am more functional I will find some and surprise her. I can't dance. Rythym is a mystery to me. Might explain my limited success on the hammered dulcimer which an acoustic percussion instrument.

    Not a very productive day yesterday. I love tennis and though I can't watch the Australian Open or any sports live since we cut the cable, I can watch replays on ESPN+ and gave in for a few hours yesterday. Today I have tutoring and then some errands before returning home for a 90 min Zoom class with the hospital on what you need to know in advance of your knee replacement to be ready. I learned a lot from Youtube and others but now I get the official Stanford Medical center spiel. All these things like to make sure you understand about the pain which is not encouraging. Interacted with someone who returned to running after hers. She was in alcohol recovery and went through her knee replacement recovery without any pain medication for fear it could create a relapse. I got plenty to try and do around here. Its slow going though
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,148 Member
    Thanks Mike. Ran off for an on the spot eye appt yesterday. Eye pressure was OK and have extensive follow-up on Friday and Tuesday. Of course I was seeing better at my rushed appt yesterday. A bit like taking your car in and the car isn't misbehaving so much at the mechanics place.

    You must be proud of Connie, Steve. Good luck with dancing and keep on if you can.
    Yup support Rita Dave.
    And thanks Dave for getting my DW Barb and I to start enjoying real coconut milk vinegar (we buy
    We buy White Swan brand and use it for both a Filipino sauce and by itself in hot potato salad too etc.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,911 Member
    Evening gents.

    Swamped at work. Evidently I get all of DW's crazy clients.
    Been lurking. Will catch up soon.

    Be OP ,-)