Saturday cup of joe 1/28/2023

kgmoody Posts: 3,149 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

“.. he tried to be a good person! Though he failed. After all, he was only human. He wasn’t a dog..” Charles M. Schultz (Snoopy)


  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,149 Member
    Good morning!!

    Up a tad after 5 again. I’ll go back to bed when I get home.

    Dueling pianos was fun!!

    No plans today other than dogs and hopefully getting a floor ordered.

    My future dil called me mom last night ❤️
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
    edited January 2023

    Showing yesterday was a PITA! Another one today at 3:30. I've come to the conclusion - most people are just plain.....well.....stupid! I digress.

    Pre-Con meeting went well. Followed by a quick run to the local ABC for a high end bottle of Belvedere for the PM in charge of building our home. He seemed quite appreciative and said he'd do his best to take care of the few things I asked for :wink: He laughed, telling the sales director in our meeting that he'd never built a house with so many smart things (everything is on my phone now a days: heating; lighting; alarms; garage; security; cameras; tv's; etc.

    Dropping off tax folder soon. Dinner w/ DW tonight at one of our favorite restaurants: Seasons 52.

    Congrats, "Mom." How did meeting with DS and DH go this week?


    PS: Dennis, how are you feeling?
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    edited January 2023
    Mornin' BBB.

    I must apologize for being an absentee member of the BBB recently. Work has been very worky. New doc is rubbing staff the wrong way (too many mares in the paddock) and not taking up the slack of DW's absence. Lots of euthanasias. Dissatisfied clients, mostly due to inability to make contact with the front desk, so I find myself doing a lot more client communication/mollification through texts, emails, and phone calls. I jump into the practice software with my first cup of coffee after letting the dogs out. I usually take a minute or so to lurk here on my phone midday to stay current, but prefer to post with a keyboard. I get home home pretty spent.
    Today, I have no agenda. DW and the pups let me sleep in until 6 am, then DW let me lay back down for another 30 minutes, awake but with my eyes closed. Coffee is strong and delicious and I can check in with my friends. Actually, I do have a project today. Miss Naughty Pants, aka #BadAzzLucy, has dug several holes out by the barn that I need to fill before DW or I break and ankle.
    Aw Kelly, sounds like you have a pretty neat future DIL.
    Steph is living at La Playa now. Do they have good local beer down there? My first beer was a Dos Equis, but not really a Mexican beer. Dos Equis is actually a German lager, brewed in Mexico. Still a favorite of mine.
    Mary is a happy grammy.
    Dennis caught COVID on the cruise, and Kris is symptomatic but testing positive. Hmm.
    Skip is in residence limbo, but Tucker is living large.
    Lou loves Cecelia. This is proven by trips to the mall.
    Dave is turning bowls and taking care of Rita pre and post colonoscopy.
    Sam is rocking Yoga instruction as usual.

    BBB OP ;-)

  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Seems like a pretty good recap Lee. Hope your work woes work themselves out or you can retire soon.

    It rained ALL day yesterday so happy we had groceries. Going to be rainy off and on all weekend so need to explore when we can.

    Overall the Mexican beer isn’t my style. I like a super hoppy but fruity beer or a Scottish ale.

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    We had fun with DGD yesterday. We spent most of the afternoon at the big hands-on children's museum, in Olympia.

    One last log to process, this morning.

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • One corrections Lee. Dennis caught COVID on the cruise, and Kris is symptomatic but testing positive negative .
    • Update for today is DW is feeling well, and I am feeling much better.
    • Steph, there is a Corona bottling plant in San Miguel de Allende. Ewe, that has turned out to be an unfortunate name.
    • Booze may help with the PM Skip. I had a jagged relationship with mine.
    • Hang in there Lee.
    • Happiness is a spinning lathe.
    • Must feel good to win the DIL2B over Kelly.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,606 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope Dennis and DW continue to feel Better!

    Enjoy your dinner date tonight Skip.

    As a boy Mom... I can relate to Kelly.
    My ddil is a keeper as is my sdgd. Whom got her temporary driving Permit! Time is flying by. There will be 16yr between her and the new baby boy brother coming in July. DS has decided with his dw, the baby will be named as his, a Jr. I like that!

    Finally the snow it going to come today! We're in a winter storm watch coming in from the west. We should get 6 to 8 inches starting soon.

    Went to library and got a bunch of dvds. Going binge season 1and 2 of Masterpieces All Creatures Great and Small. season 3 has started on PBS Sunday nights.

    DH has not seen The Godfather so grabbed that to. A good snowy day to stay home.

    I'm making some healthier split pea and ham soup this morning. Using a lean pc. of ham steak instead of a ham hock. Hope it turns out. Lots of carrots and celery, onion, Bay leaf etc.

    We will go to visit baby Lauren tomorrow with some frozen meals I made for the new, week 1 parents. All is well there!

    Dave a saw online a wood turner made a heart shaped bowl. Pretty Cool!

    Be well BBB!

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    ICouldn't post this morning, had to sign in again this afternoon.
    DW been cleaning all day, she is having 4th day Emmaus group here Monday evening; I will be at lodge practicing for degree work. Do not know what she is going to do with DMIL who believes everything is about her.
    I have Sunday school lesson tomorrow
    Sunny but cool here rain now coming in Monday and continuing everyday next week
    Glad you are feeling better Dennis
    Enjoy your snow Mary, I'm happy with sun and plain rain
    Being up before 7 always calls for a nap
    Lee, hope staff learn to respect each other.
    Guess we are going out for supper tonight