Roll call ~ Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023

mikehikemike Posts: 3,561 Member
Good morning, men.


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,561 Member
    Bill, your PT guys sound like medieval torturers from a Monty Python movie. You're a brave soul...

    DGS birthday was a wonderful time... some went sledding for an hour first, on an icy hill. Only one casualty when little DGS Dylan got rammed by an out of control sled; tears but no lasting injuries. Then pizza at their crowded house with lots and lots of rug-rats and older kids and parents and grandparents. And a piñata on the porch. It snowed fluffy flakes the whole time we were there, like a Christmas card. Memorable day...

    Church this morning, then will see what family is doing later...

    Have a good day of rest.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,180 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I had shoulder surgery years ago, and the range of motion PT was pretty painful. But my shoulder did get better from the work. With you in spirit, Bill.

    Snowing at our end of the country, too, though it won't add up to much. We have rain/snow forecast for every day this week. Unpleasant.

    Church, this morning, followed by a meeting of the church elders. Should be home around 2:30 Maybe some shop time, after that.
  • myallforjc
    myallforjc Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning

    I had a nice time out having lunch with Heather. Our drive was cut short when we ran into some road closures in the canyon, There are still road closures around here from mud slides etc. I had a rough night. I pushed through my PT but came out the other end in rough shape. I woke quite early with pain and was planning on upping the meds again on my next dose. I didn't yet but will about an hour before my morning workout. I was warned in PT that the day would come when I would want to take a day off and would need to fight that urge. Today's the day. We are going into Berkeley today to get these egg salad sandwiches we love from a bakery there. Then we will find a place to park and eat before the drive home. A bit of rain is due so it may all get cancelled.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,911 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    Just back from chilly hike with DW in the woods bordering the north bay of Bantam Lake. Kind of a boring walk. Saw one woodpecker and no humans. Should have brought the dogs, they would have had fun.
    Bill, there will be days that you can't be as aggressive with PT due to swelling and pain from the previous day's PT. A good therapist will get you through those days. Keep on keeping on.

    Be OP ;-)
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,148 Member
    Yea like Dave some more snow but in our case the newest batch last night around midnight was wet and melted off. Still some hard patches of packed snow/ice/slush stuff on neighborhood streets. I ws very careful on a short bike ride this a.m. studded snow tires aren't enough for lumpy spots.

    Snow/rain predicted several more days this week but probably wont accumulate at my elevation.

    Hang in there Bill. I had plenty of rough days recovering from my broken back but got thru it all.

    Nice Lee to hike without humans.