Weight No More Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • FitBee9
    FitBee9 Posts: 17 Member
    @GarysGirl78 : Wow, what a gorgeous pup! Love the heart-shaped nose. <3 Awesome job on the steps, too.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,353 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hey, an intro! Two months in a row! I'm stealing Ashley's spoilers idea again, 'cuz I like it and my intro is also a bit long...

    Welcome to all the new ladies & gents! And welcome back to a couple of our returners.

    I'm Melanie and I'm from Kansas. I’m the other team Co-captain. Truly, Ashley does most of the heavy lifting. I generally do the steps post.
    My (short version) story
    When I was young, I was always was skinny. I got away from my nutty family, met my husband, learned to be happy. Then I got fat. I found myself weighing in about 230 and my size sixteens were too small. I bought a couple pairs of 18 pants from the thrift store and joined MFP.
    I lost ~70 pounds in about a year and was pretty pleased. But I wanted another 20 off...and it didn't move. And things got a bit crazy with my husband's family...so I decided to maintain for a bit. Instead of maintaining, I gained a lot of the weight back. Then my MIL died and I've spent more time trying to keep my husband okay than taking care of me. And now I'm actually a bit over my prior highest weight. So...now I'm working on the weight all over.
    My special snowflake challenges
    I'm fairly significantly asthmatic (on meds all the time).
    I have terrible allergies, mostly mold. Which is literally everywhere. And cats. Anything that doesn't have square pupils (but not things with square pupils!?!).
    I have migraines.
    And I have connective tissue issues (not enough collagen, too stretchy, lots of joint slippage).
    August 2020, I acquired some vertigo problems and persistent deafness on one side. Yay.
    What I do about it
    Several years ago, my doctor recommended glucosamine for the connective tissue disorder. I didn't think it helped until I stopped taking it. It helps. But a couple years ago, it wasn't helping as much. So I added collagen supplements. And that helps a lot. When I have bad days, I also drink collagen peptides (but I really dislike them). That helps, too. And I've been supplementing with Vitamin C for decades, not really knowing why. In the past few years, I learned Vit C helps the body produce and process collagen. Suddenly, my obsession with the C makes sense.
    My neurologist recommended I take 500 mg of ginger and 400 mg of Vitamin B2 every day to reduce migraines, it has helped a lot. The migraines are so much better (almost non-existent) and manageable when they happen. The ginger also helps some with the vertigo. I have no excuses for not doing exercise when the vertigo is managed, except for being lazy.
    After adding some nasal sprays and sinus irrigation, adjusting my diet a bit, and stopping coffee (EXTREMELY, TERRIBLY sad), I’ve got the vertigo mostly under control. Or I thought I did. Things were iffy June and early July. Don't know why. A round of Prednisone and antibiotics seemed to help BUT this week has been...weird. Good thing I see the ENT on Thurs.
    What is the point behind all this?
    The special snowflake stuff is not woe-is-me drama llama. It is that everyone has to do what works for them now. The stuff a lot of people go on about are not good, for me, and are sometimes dangerous, for me. Sometimes people get down on themselves because they don't do the stuff everyone talks about HIIT, Insanity, stair steppers, etc. I not only don't do those things, I shouldn't. But I should exercise.
    My Goals
    My daily goal to get about 30 minutes of walking a day at least during the week. I try to get a walk in otherwise but frequently fail.
    A while back I did some PT for some shoulder issues and that got me into doing some resistance/mild strength training. I did well for a while and ... then I got tired and stopped. And I haven't done well at walking consistently for, well a year. I need to get back to doing that consistently. When I do light strength training/resistance, it helps the connective tissue issues.
    Even when I do well during the week, weekends are a mixed bag, so that's my goal, do better on all days and especially on the weekends...
    I also need to consistently drink at least two liters of water daily.

    Anyway, I've been with WNM for a while now and this month, I am re-committing to getting back to work on losing and more than losing, improving my exercise. July was good and bad. Montana was excellent. But Kansas is sweltering. Not as bad as Phoenix but bad. Makes me less inclined to walk. I could drive to the rec center and walk on their treadmill but that requires me to go outside. Twice. You can't see my lip curl but it's there. Anyway, lets make August awesome!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,995 Member
    Ugh! I feel so tired. I started yesterday off well but felt drained later on and went for an extended rest, sleeping for a couple of hours in the early evening. It was needed but I lacked the energy to push further to get my basic step goal of 6k. I also didn't do a whole load of other things that I should have. I'm getting ready to go to work but just want to curl up under my duvet and sleep all day. The sun is shining, so hopefully that will perk me up.

    Have a good day everyone ☀️
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    Welcome new members and hello to all returning. I'm Tracy, 51, I live in New Hampshire. I have 2 boys and 3 grandkids and I have been married a long, long time. My weight just goes back and forth by a couple pounds every month. I need to try to work on that. My weight was doing great when the Dr out me on ozempic but I decided I didn't want to live in the bathroom so I stopped taking it. Right now I'm on vacation and my stomach is killing me, I have been trying to eat healthy because my aunt makes salads and veggies every day. I'm not drinking like I normally would on vacation and I am carring around water with me so that's a plus. I am going to go for a walk in a few minutes, I usually would do one every day while I'm here but I've been slacking. I did see that my aunt has a scale so I am going to hope it works for my weigh in tomorrow.
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 303 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 191.8 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 192.2 lbs

    Welcome new team members! I traveled for work this week, so I am really glad my working out and good food choices were able to keep my weight relatively consistent. Hoping some of this is water weight from the saltier than homemade food you get at restaurants. On to next week! Good luck to everyone this week!
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hey all,

    Weigh in:
    username - podperson1
    PW: 219.2
    CW: 216.8

    The scale is being suspiciously nice to me, fill like I'm due for a big water weight hike or something lol.

    @GarysGirl78 - oh my goodness, what a cutie <3 I love his marking and his eyes! One of my exs had the most adorable collie, I used to dog-sit her a lot from when she was only 8 weeks old. I'm so well-shot of him but damn, I miss that doggie *sighs* Great steps for the week!

    @BodyTalking - ugh, I had a day like that Monday and although I know it's my body telling me I need the rest it's annoying when there's so much to do! Hopefully we both have a bit more energy.

    @ksludwig - being away from home always mucks up my weight loss, so fab job keeping it pretty much steady

    Finally got my new mattress this afternoon, was supposed to come on Monday but the delivery people are useless. Yesterday they claimed a missed delivery when no one bothered to show. I felt bad for the poor delivery driver as the bloody thing weighs a ton, it's currently propped by my door as I need my flatmate to help me move it :D

    Treated myself to some gorgeous new boots in a 70% off sale, which came today as well. One of them though has side zips, which wasn't clear on the photos, and I always struggle with those. I think because I'm a small shoe size they seem to think you have skinny ankles/calves as well? These aren't too bad but still don't zip all the way to the top, not sure whether to send back or keep and hope when I lose a few more pounds they will fit then? They are very cute lol.

  • HH1006
    HH1006 Posts: 18 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday(Should have been Tuesday, but I wasn't able to)
    PW (Previous Weight): 118.8lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 117.6lbs

    Super happy to be continuing to make slow, but consistent progress. Wishing everyone a wonderful rest of their week.
  • Laurabb99
    Laurabb99 Posts: 78 Member
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 208.4
    CW: 208.4

    Potty training is going great. Finishing up prepping for my second year of homeschooling. I'm a 42 years old, lives in North Texas out in the country, married almost 19 years and have 5 children ranging from 2.5 yrs to 14. Life is wonderful, but crazy. Glad that we can support each other in our journey.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,353 Member
    ~Step Challenge FINAL Results ~
    Team Statistics -
    Steppers: 6 (No change from last week!)
    Total Steps: 372,532 (-9.02% from last week)
    Average Steps Per Stepper: 62,089 (up from last week!)

    Total Steps for the month: 1,895, 144
    The Leaderboard -

    @JacquelineRochelle 94,938 total | 13,563 average - Most Steps in One Day!!!
    @GarysGirl78 - 74,536 total | 11,392 average
    @JessicaVRosati - 75,816 total | 10,831 average
    @BodyTalking - 65,968 total | 9,424 average
    @9Harvey - 41,164 total | 5,881 average - Most Consistent!!!
    @melaniedscott - 20,110 total | 2,873 average

    All of our bolded steppers set a goal and met it, based on their average steps per day!

    Way to go! We not only broke 1.5 million, we broke 1.75 million, with two of the four weeks with only 6 steppers!

    I'm going do do a little plug for the step challenge in August for all our new and returning peeps. If you would like to join our step challenge, post the previous week's steps before...6 pm CST (11 pm UTC). We track Sun-Sat. So this is July's final post and August's first week (July 30-Aug 5) will get posted August 9ish. Some people post by the day, some do weekly total. What ever is most comfortable for you.

    As you can see above, we do a shoutout for most steps in a day and most consistent. If you post weekly only, you won't be in the running there. Sometimes, I make other "awards" up.

    Can we break 2 million this month? My steps WILL be better!
  • FitBee9
    FitBee9 Posts: 17 Member
    @melaniedscott --I'd like to do the step challenge. I sort of keep an accounting already. If I was to do a weekly post of steps, do I just make sure to post it Saturday sometime?

    Wowza, you guys are all great steppers!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    When I get home from vacation next week, I will order a new watch. Maybe I will do it before I get home so that way it can be ready for me. My husband is flying home on Saturday and me, my sister and niece will drive home sometime towards the end of the week. Maybe on Thursday so I have a few days before I return to work. My granddaughter is missing us and is sad that we are not there to watch her gymnastics class.

    I also forgot to weigh in this morning, I will do it tomorrow. Sorry about that. I did get a walk in yesterday and today. We are also going to head out on an adventure today which I'm sure will require some walking.
  • Marcy2890
    Marcy2890 Posts: 63 Member
    Username: marcy2890
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    PW: 152.6 lbs
    CW: 150.8 lbs
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,353 Member
    FitBee9 wrote: »
    @melaniedscott --I'd like to do the step challenge. I sort of keep an accounting already. If I was to do a weekly post of steps, do I just make sure to post it Saturday sometime?

    Wowza, you guys are all great steppers!

    As long as you post by the following Wed, you should be fine. Happy to have you join!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,328 Member
    Friday Weigh In - August Week One

    Previous Weight: 179.4 lbs
    Current Weight: 176.6 lbs
    Loss to Date: 57.4 lbs

    It's been a while since I actually made a post about my weigh-in, but I wanted to get back in the habit, because it isn't fair to expect all of you lovely folks to be transparent when I am not. So here's what's up:

    Food -

    I've been more consistently sticking to my calorie goals, which has been helping me feel better, especially while my MS is causing some fun symptoms. And until this week, I was gaining and losing the same pound or so, likely due to water retention and eating more snacks than my body really needed while sticking to my semi-vigorous workout schedule.

    There is a concern that my drop this week is a sign that I am dehydrated, so I am focusing on staying hydrated today. I have a timer on my watch that goes off every 45 minutes to make sure I take a drink of water, at the very least.

    Exercise -

    My personal trainer and I have been working on my squat, with the intent to have my one-rep-max at 170lbs by Halloween. My most recent personal best has been 135 lbs, although I think that was about a month ago and is likely higher now.

    I have also been attending 1-2 spin classes per week for the past two months, using up all my discounted class credits before they expire. The expiration date is next week, so there will likely be a few more classes, and then a break until their next package sale. Spending more than $15/class doesn't seem worth it in my case, since I've already completed over 1000 classes at this point and the law of diminishing returns makes each additional class less worth my time. But they're good for turning off my brain and just doing something I'm already good at, which has been very nice while my personal life has hit a couple speed bumps.

    Mindset -

    All of my motivators lately have been very spite-based. I've mentioned my friend's upcoming wedding, and I found the dress I want to wear. It has a corset back, and while I can get the dress on, the corset doesn't tie as tight as I'd like, so my driving focus is to lose a bit more fat (since you really can't target reduce) and fit more comfortably into this dress.

    On top of that, my mother got liposuction in her arms a month ago. She's still swollen and can't see the results, but she keeps bringing up her 8 pound fat loss and treats it as if she worked hard for it, rather than having a surgery to have the fat removed. Which wouldn't bother me, except for the fact that her attitude towards both my sister and I has shifted back into the passive aggressive body shaming we received as children. So maybe, just maybe, my work towards fat loss is to prove to her that she could have had the same result as her liposuction without surgery, or perhaps it's to avoid her commenting on how "tight" my sleeves look.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,328 Member
    edited August 2023
    ~ Weigh In Reminder ~

    I'm still waiting on updates from the following:

    @ssssseika - You were excused last week, so if I don't see anything from you, I'll excuse you again this week
    • If you need to be excused this week, let us know!
    • If you would like to change your weigh-day to a day you are more likely to stick to, let us know!
    • If you need to take a break from weighing in, we can move you to the support team for a month or two - let us know!
    • If you joined last month and didn't know your registration rolled over to this month, let me know if you'd like to stick around this month or drop from the team - my feelings will be hurt, but I'll understand
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    Cw 197
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    I'm not sure how accurate that weight is because I'm not home on my own scale and the number kept jumping all over the place. I will go with it though and hope that it's wrong, lol.
  • abp1025
    abp1025 Posts: 195 Member
    Friday Weigh in

    PW: 194 lbs.
    CW: 191 lbs.
  • alexhomeandcoffee
    alexhomeandcoffee Posts: 33 Member
    PW: 205.6
    CW: 205.4
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited August 2023
    My lack of energy on Tuesday was the full moon's fault! 🌝 Well, I've no idea but it's getting the blame anyway. I'm feeling great now and that's all that matters. I hope you are too @podperson1 😀

    @minstrelofsarcasm Keep working at your goals, spite based or not, and show them how your hard work and perseverance can make you feel fabulous, as you do it for you, not them 💃 Go get that dress laced up and just enjoy being you!

    @FitBee9 welcome to the stepping group 👣 I hadn't been doing very well since march but am increasing and aiming higher now. I feel in the right frame of mind and making more of an effort instead of choosing the lazier option. Last month, I focused on caloric deficit and getting better with daily habits. This month, I'm continuing with that and increasing my step count and exercises. Good luck with your steps and have fun 😀

    @GarysGirl78 give your lovely doggy a hug from me 🤗
This discussion has been closed.