Welcome & Introductions

henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
edited September 2023 in Social Groups
Please take a moment to introduce yourself! Feel free to share as much about yourself as you feel comfortable so we can get to know each other!


  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi everyone - I'm Eva. I started this group because I couldn't find an active group for vegans and vegetarians on MFP. I hope this will become a forum and resource for those on MFP who are vegans and vegetarians and those who are curious about the lifestyle. I've been vegetarian for at least thirty years (since childhood) and vegan for a few of them. Currently, I eat a vegan whole-foods-based diet, which I plan to maintain long term. I plan to lose about 15-20 more pounds and then keep using MFP for maintenance. I used MFP to lose 30 pounds about ten years ago, but I put it all back on (and some more) over the years after I stopped tracking. Since I don't have that much weight to lose, my approach is one that I can easily continue into maintenance: I eat at about 500 kcal net deficit a day and work out three times a week (lifting weights). Once I'm less overweight, I would also like to get back into jogging (5-10k distance). I love food and eat all my exercise calories back to maintain an active lifestyle and grow muscle. Once I hit maintenance, I will just eat at maintenance (instead of at a 500-calorie deficit). In the next few days, I will post some helpful resources and discussion topics! My diary is open to friends.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    Hi Eva

    We know each other already but it is so funny I thought your name was Henri and you was a man 😅

    My name is Alice. 39 years old. 2 children. Passionate about sport (triathlon) and reading. I also love to cook. Vegetarian for 6 years. I have been vegan for a few months during the Covid pandemic (thanks to the Forks over knives meal planner) but otherwise find it too difficult to combine with social life.
    I have had a long binge eating issue that I have finally resolved and I am really proud. I am in maintenance, I would be happy with 2-3kg less but at the moment I am too afraid to reintroduce restrictions.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    Maya440 wrote: »
    Hi Eva

    We know each other already but it is so funny I thought your name was Henri and you was a man 😅


    Hi Alice - so glad you joined! Yes, we already know each other! And 😂😂😂😂😂....I can see how one could arrive at that conclusion, especially if you're French speaking.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    Hi @Marilynsretired - so glad you decided to join the group! So sorry to hear about your health issues and hopefully MFP can help you get better. I very much hope this group will be active, there are always many users who don't continue on MFP, but there are also some who are committed to tracking long-term. Of course, you should feel free to start any new discussions, I will try to set up more as well, but things can get busy. Some of our new members also take part in the monthly Ultimate Accountability Challenge...it is a very active and helpful monthly group with daily check-ins and lots of information. I will post a link when the new group opens for October.
  • Nikki_letsgo
    Nikki_letsgo Posts: 9 Member
    Hi 👋 I’m Nikki! I’m trying to switch to a vegetarian diet. I’m getting bored with raw veggies and am struggling with finding those quick meal options. Looking forward to this group and learning some tips along the way.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,807 Member
    Hello, I'm Ann. I've been ovo-lacto vegetarian since 1974 - coming up on half a century! - but do eat many plant-based meals despite the dairy/eggs.

    I used MFP to lose 50ish pounds back in 2015-16 at age 59-60, have been maintaining in a healthy weight range since (after about 30 previous years of overweight/obesity). I'm now 67.

    I live in Michigan, USA (middle of the palm). I'm widowed (since 1998), no children or siblings. I'm also a breast cancer survivor. I'm pretty close to addicted to rowing (boats, the skinny ones like in the Olympics, except mine is slow), but also enjoy biking on the paved trail system here. In Winter, I machine row and stationary bike, even though those aren't nearly as much fun, so I can avoid starting conditioning from zero come next Spring. I don't strength train nearly enough. ;) I enjoy jewelry making (off-loom bead weaving, wire work, stringing, a bit of low-end metalwork), visual journaling, a few other misbegotten crafts projects, and occasional quixotic efforts to teach myself to play bluegrass banjo. I like weird plants, both houseplants and outdoor weirdos.

    My biggest weight management problem is that I'm a hedonist with FOMO. Calorie counting has worked well for me - so far - to balance current happiness/enjoyment with future happiness/health.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    Welcome Ann @AnnPT77 - I'm so excited you joined!! I already read some of your posts elsewhere and always thought they're so insightful and knowledgeable. I'm in Chicago, so not that far from you. I love machine rowing so much that I'm considering to give the real thing a try at some point, they have rowing clubs in Chicago as well. I only do brief interval "sprints" on the rower to get a quick cardio workout at the end of my regular workout. It's great to have vegetarians here too!
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    Welcome Nikki! @Nikki_letsgo! I'll start a new discussion about what people actually eat - for me, it helps to have a few go-to recipes (maybe 5-10 I make often). Currently, I'm actively looking for recipes to add to that.
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,604 Member
    Hi - I'm Marisa and I've been a ovo-lacto vegetarian for a little over 30 years. I'm retired now so I have a lot more time to cook and plan meals as well as get my exercise in. I've gained weight as a vegetarian and lost weight as a vegetarian, so MFP calorie counting is an important part of maintaining my 35-40 pound weight loss. My two biggest things I focus on daily is getting enough fruits and veggies and enough protein. Left to my own devices, I can easily slip back into a high carb, high fat diet that put the weight on in the first place.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,807 Member
    Hi - I'm Marisa and I've been a ovo-lacto vegetarian for a little over 30 years. I'm retired now so I have a lot more time to cook and plan meals as well as get my exercise in. I've gained weight as a vegetarian and lost weight as a vegetarian, so MFP calorie counting is an important part of maintaining my 35-40 pound weight loss. My two biggest things I focus on daily is getting enough fruits and veggies and enough protein. Left to my own devices, I can easily slip back into a high carb, high fat diet that put the weight on in the first place.

    That so much resonates with me. I've been vegetarian (and high plant intake) since 1974, but only at a healthy weight for a bit at the start of that, and for the last 7+ years. I got fat, then obese, while vegetarian; then stayed overweight for decades as a vegetarian; then lost weight eating pretty much the same range of foods (in different portion sizes, proportions, and frequencies).

    Possibly dangerous admission to post in this group, but multiple times there have been threads in the general Community where people post that they're going vegan/vegetarian to lose weight, and I try to convince them that it isn't a weight loss method.

    Don't get me wrong, there are many excellent reasons to be vegan or vegetarian - obviously I think that since I've been veg for 49+ years now . . . but it isn't some automagical guarantee of weight loss.

    Given common eating patterns here in the US, many people will do better (health and satiation both) if they eat much greater amounts of fruits/veggies, sure. But weight loss? Not necessarily going to happen. Like any other eating style, reasonable calorie intake is the foundation that will lead to weight management. If vegetarianism/veganism makes that easier for someone to do, it's a good strategy, but there are also great reasons to go that route for reasons completely unrelated to body weight.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    Welcome @enlightenme3 - so glad you joined us here! I agree with you and @AnnPT77 that being vegetarian or vegan is not linked to losing weight. Even eating only healthy foods, it's easy to pack on the pounds. It's also easy to have a really unhealthy vegetarian/vegan diet, if only eating convenient foods. So in terms of weight loss and health, it comes down to carefully watching what I eat here as well.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    Yeah ! fully agree
    Peanut butter is definitively not a weight loss food ahah :D
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    @Maya440 your struggles with peanut butter reminded me of growing up in Germany. Peanut butter was only available sometimes and when I found a jar, I would just eat it with a spoon until it was empty…typically in one day 😭. Having it always around now, I am less tempted. I normally have a big spoon on my oats in the morning. My preference is for crunchy unsweetened peanut butter…
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    I am also ok to have it around. And I use it regularly to avoid labeling it as a restriction food.
    However if I am tired or ravenous it can slip out of hands :D
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    @Zinka61 Susan - so great you joined!
  • Rhumax67
    Rhumax67 Posts: 162 Member
    Hello, just came back to MFP today. Lost & kept off about 35 lbs on MFP. I'd like to lose another 5 to 10. I went off the vegan diet because I got lazy - husband is a meat eater & I hated all the cooking. But I'm trying to get back on it! I'm retired & also have kidney problems but not failure & no special diet.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    Hello Rhumax
    Nice to have you on board 😊
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    Welcome @Rhumax67 !