How to Fix AC Joint Pain?


The AC joint is where two of the bones in your shoulder meet. One of these bones is your collarbone (clavicle), and the other is the acromion, which is part of your shoulder blade (scapula). So, the AC joint is where your collarbone and acromion meet.

Between these two bones is cartilage, just like in other joints in your body. Cartilage is the white tissue that helps bones move against each other smoothly, like how Teflon makes things slide easily. This cartilage makes it easy and painless for your shoulder to move.

Wondering how to fix AC joint pain, in the first place? If yes, then this article is sure to skim through.

Possible Reasons for AC Joint Pain Issues


Here in this section, we’ll let you know the possible reasons for AC joint pain problems.

Sprained AC Joint

A common reason of shoulder pain is a sprained AC joint (acromioclavicular joint). It happens when the muscles that hold the acromion (part of the shoulder blade) and clavicle (collarbone) together are stretched or torn.

AC joint sprains are often caused by a direct blow to the shoulder, a fall onto a raised hand, or doing the same motions over and over again. Sprains can range from mildly painful to very painful and unstable. Rest, ice, physical therapy, and, in some cases, surgery may be used to fix the torn tendons.

Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints and causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. The most common types of arthritis that can affect the AC joint are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is caused by the wear and tear of cartilage in the joints over time. This can cause pain in the AC joint, especially when working high. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause pain and swelling in many joints, including the AC joint. Treatment may include anti-inflammatory drugs, physical treatment, and changes to the way you live.

Repetitive Strain

Overuse or repetitive strain injuries happen when the AC joint and the structures around it are put under too much stress or move over and over again.

Weightlifting, throwing, and sports that involve a lot of overhead movements can put stress on the AC joint. This could cause inflammation, pain, or even conditions like tendinitis or bursitis. Common treatments include rest, changing how you do things, and physical training.

Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement happens when the muscles or bursa in the shoulder get pinched or squeezed between the acromion and the humeral head (upper arm bone).

This can cause pain in the area around the AC joint, especially when moving the arm. Over time, contact can cause the AC joint and the structures around it to become inflamed and damaged. Physical treatment to strengthen the muscles around the shoulder and improve posture, as well as anti-inflammatory pills or injections, are usually used to treat shoulder pain.


A break in the collarbone or the acromion can cause pain in the AC joint. A direct blow to the shoulder or a fall on a raised arm can break the clavicle or acromion, which can cause the AC joint to be out of place. Fractures are usually painful and, based on how bad they are, may need immobilization or surgery.

Ways to Fix Issues With AC Joint Pain

Take Sufficient Rest

When dealing with AC joint pain, the first step is often to rest the injured shoulder and avoid activities that make the pain worse. A sling or brace can be used to support and hold the joint and keep it from moving. This lets the joint heal. This takes pressure off the AC joint and helps it heal faster.


A physical therapist can make a unique exercise plan to improve shoulder strength and range of motion, as well as reduce pain. Certain movements can help strengthen and support the AC joint and the muscles around it.

Drugs for Pain

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin can be bought over-the-counter and help with pain and inflammation in the AC joint. For more serious pain, a doctor may give you stronger painkillers or corticosteroid injections.

Heat and Ice Therapy

When the pain is first starting, putting ice on the AC joint can help reduce swelling and ease the pain. After the acute phase, heat treatment can help relax and loosen the tissues, which increases blood flow and helps the body heal.

Chances in Your Exercise Routine

If you avoid things that make your AC joint pain worse, like heavy lifting or moving your arms above your head, you can prevent further damage and help your body heal. Routines at work or at the gym may need to be changed.

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, you need to know how to fix AC joint pain if you want to feel better and use your shoulder again. Getting rid of this common problem can be done in a number of ways, such as through rest, physical therapy, pain management techniques, or advanced treatments like light therapy. However, it's essential to talk to a medical provider to get a personalized treatment plan that fits your needs.