Denver Life Coach Tobin Felfe Shares The Secret of How To Achieve Any Goal

heyitsmeAmanda Posts: 10 Member
edited December 2023 in Social Groups

What is it that separates those who achieve their biggest goals and dreams from those who don’t? Is it talent? Luck? Timing? While these things can play a role, the biggest differentiator is mindset and having an achievement-oriented outlook. With the right strategy and positive mindset, you have the power to achieve virtually any goal you set.

Assess Your Motivations

First, think about why you have this goal. What deeper motivation is driving you towards it? Connecting with the emotional, spiritual or social purpose behind your goal will strengthen your resolve when challenges arise. Also consider what achieving this goal will enable you to do, be or provide – how it will positively impact your life and potentially the lives of others. Keeping the big WHY front and center will fuel you to do WHAT it takes to reach your goals.

Break It Down Into Small, Doable Steps

Many big goals seem impossible if you only focus on the end result. But when you break them down into smaller, manageable steps they become reachable milestones towards ultimate success. Think through every subgoal between where you are now and where you want to go, writing them down step-by-step. Break the steps down as small as needed into daily, bite-sized tasks. Checking off small wins builds momentum and motivation to keep you on track.

Schedule Time for Action

Achieving big goals requires dedicating actual time for working toward them. Establish a routine calendar to devote time every single day on tasks related to your goal. even 15-30 minutes daily moves you in the right direction. Guard this time vigilantly against the temptation to do something else. Just as we schedule time for the gym, work, family commitments – we must schedule time for goal progress.

Eliminate Energy-Draining Distractions

Distraction is the enemy of achievement. Email notifications, social media, YouTube – while fine in moderation – siphon precious time and mental energy when we lack discipline. When working on goal tasks, set boundaries and eliminate energy-draining distractions. Turn off notifications, log out of social media, disable WiFi if needed to zero in your focus on what matters. The more distraction-free time you can devote, the faster you will move toward target milestones.

Reflect on Growth, Not Just Outcomes

When working toward a big goal for an extended period, we sometimes feel stuck or demotivated by what still lies ahead. It’s essential to balance this with reflecting on positive progress made so far. Look back regularly at previous milestone markers you have passed. Consider compiling photos over time or keeping a progress journal. Tracking and reflecting on your journey builds gratitude, sustains positive momentum when the going gets tough.

Reward Small Wins

Positive reinforcement through rewards is highly motivating and wires the brain to repeat desired actions. Every time you complete a task or reach a milestone related to your big goal, celebrate! Plan periodic rewards like going to a movie or buying something special after milestone achievements. Having regular mini-wins to look forward to along the path toward your ultimate goal will help incentivize focus and consistency.

Troubleshoot Obstacles Early and Often

Despite best intentions, obstacles will inevitably arise that can throw you off track – whether internal or external barriers. When facing obstacles, first take a breath, regroup and reflect calmly on what went wrong. Get support if needed to brainstorm solutions. The earlier you can troubleshoot impediments, the faster you will get back on track toward target milestones. Be vigilant for potential obstacles and have solutions at the ready.

Visualize and Affirm the End Result

The brain has a hard time distinguishing between what’s vividly imagined and what is real. That means visualization can be a powerful catalyst. Take some quiet time regularly to close your eyes and visualize, with as much sensory detail as possible, what it looks, feels and tastes like to already have achieved your goal. Picture celebrating with loved ones, enjoying the benefits it brings. Let your mind soak in how incredible it feels. Then verbally affirm that this is your reality using present-tense language. These mental rehearsals train your subconscious mind to materialize your goals.

Stay Flexible on Methods, Rigid on Goals

As we work toward goals, better methods or opportunities often arise we hadn’t considered. Stay open and flexible to changing tactics or timelines if something no longer feels effective or realistic. pivot if needed toward plotting new courses that align better with changing circumstances. But while staying adaptable on methods, remain rigidly devoted to the goals themselves. Never lose sight of the end result or why it matters so much to you.

Enlist Social Support for Motivation

It is said motivation gets you started but discipline sees you through. But don’t underestimate how much positive support from others helps sustain motivation on the tougher days. Share your goals and journey publicly to enlist encouragement from friends and family. Join related social media groups to exchange ideas and inspiration. And consider an “accountability partner” – perhaps a goal buddy also working toward change – to mutually cheer each other on.

Approach Setbacks as Feedback

Setbacks are not failures, but critical feedback on what is not working well. When you encounter major stumbles, first acknowledge the emotions. Vent if needed, get support, then renew your resolve. Ask what this setback is trying to teach you or how it can become a breakthrough for greater learning. Then innovation kicks in as you troubleshoot smarter alternatives informed by hard-won wisdom. Setbacks often come right before the biggest breakthroughs if we approach them as such.

Stay Persistent with “Positive Obsession”

Accomplishing huge goals over months or years requires tapping into positive obsession – an unstoppable level of passion, urgency and enthusiasm. Emulate the mindset of world-renowned experts in their fields. Absorb everything you can about your goal area and heroes you want to emulate. There will be inevitable ups and downs along the way. But if you persist in chipping away every single day with a positive obsession for ultimate success – resisting distraction or discouragement – your breakthrough will come.

The path to any worthwhile goal is not always linear or predictable. But armed with the right strategies and positive mindset – breaking it down step-by-step, building positive momentum, overcoming obstacles – you hold the power to achieve goals of any size. Keep your eyes locked on the vision of your future self already having achieved it. Make that vision so real and compelling that doubts have no room to take hold. With strategic effort and belief, you can make any bold goal a reality.

About Denver Life Coach Tobin Felfe

Based in Denver, Colorado, Tobin Felfe is a passionate life coach who specializes in helping people create meaningful change. With an authentic and insightful approach, Felfe guides clients through a customized process to get unstuck and unlock their full potential. He asks thought-provoking questions, challenges limiting beliefs, and provides tools and strategies tailored to each client’s unique aspirations. Whether looking to switch careers, strengthen relationships, improve health, or achieve any other life dream, Felfe’s one-on-one coaching instills self-awareness, motivation and accountability to manifest tangible results. His genuine commitment to each client’s growth and fulfillment empowers them to achieve breakthroughs in all aspects of life. Learn more about Tobin Felfe at