12/10 Sunday cup of joe

kgmoody Posts: 3,149 Member
Good morning BBB! As you sip your favorite morning brew and let its warmth embrace you, settle in, for it's time to gather and unite for our morning roll-call!

".....dear IRS. Remove me from your mailing list!" ~Snoopy 🐾🐾🐾


  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,149 Member
    Good morning

    Huge agenda list today. Starts out with making 30# of potatoes for a fundraiser.

    Shopping about done. I wish we did an ornament exchange on here.

    I’m a miller lite girl. It’s my go to. Ha.

    Make it a marvelous day
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member

    Tucker up and tended too and is fast asleep at me feet again.....
    Long day. DMIL transferred back to ER and is ICU. Doc called all the family together to speak "candidly" - so now the goal is to suspend rehab and work to get her home and comfortable. HOW? I don't yet know! DW is pretty distraught. Ugh.
    Going to try to get caught up on schoolwork today. I feel behind.
    #30 of potatoes is alot of potatoes! In high school I once worked in a kitchen that did Sunday brunches and had to peel 50# bags every Saturday in preparation. Ugh.

  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,565 Member
    Good morning

    If she's ICU-worthy, I'm not sure how they think it's a good idea to send her home, Skip. Home Hospice can help, but they only come for a few hours and the weight of the caregiving will fall on DW and you. I know how much work it was with my parents at home when they didn't want to be a burden. Big hugs to DMIL, DW and you.

    I feel put out peeling a single potato, let alone multiple bags worth, Kelly.

    I no longer look like a transient!
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Morning gang

    Going to rain all afternoon so we are headed out for a walk now. Hopefully time for a float in the pool before it clouds up. Then brunch.

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Skip, I send you and your family all my prayers for comfort in a very difficult time.

  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,606 Member
    Thinking of you all Skip....this is hard. And your dw and dmil too Lou.

    Temps dropped here from 50 to 30s... back to reality. Ran the gas fireplace at 6AM this morning in dark with only Christmas tree and mantle lights on and Hot coffee, very relaxing. Reading through my maternal Grammas old recipe box. It's from the 30s 40s 50s and 60s. One cookie recipe mentions ammonia powder, 25cents worth, obtained at the "drugstore".

    Im baking us a crustless broccoli quiche and arugula salad for brunch. My vegetable intake has been much too low lately.

    Making a return at Kohls from an online purchase later. That's about it as far as going out today. May just hang at home and do some holiday baking for gifting... while dh watches football.

    Be well BBB
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Morning,
    Rainy Day in Georgia
    Took DMIL for Mexican last night, she dumped half a bowl of salsa on table, kept double dipping out of cheese dip; then needed DW on one side and me on other to get out.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Good Sunday afternoon BBB Friends.
    • Wow, Kelly started us off today. Beat me by a few seconds. Peeling all those potatoes reminds me of boot camp. Well, Army boot camp. We never did that in the Air Force.
    • Congratulations on the win yesterday SGM.
    • Probably a good idea to clean up Lou. Abbott might mistake you for a migrant and put you on a bus to who-knows-where.
    • Sounds like your DMIL had a good time Sam.
    • Your family is in my prayers Skip.