Week 4: Socialization and more!

LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
I hope we have all warmed up a little. I just thought I would update the schedule. If we are on pace to complete 4,000,000 by Dec 31, as of Sunday night, we should have been at 3,769,863 or more. I have to admit, the ice did me in a little, I am at 3,777,457, and I need to average 12K for the next week to be back on pace. The rain might hamper this a little, but I am going to give it a shot!

Good Luck to everyone and I hope you have a great week!

And just because I found this and found it pretty cool, I give you Lord of The Rings, metal version!

May it be


  • HollyStormCloud
    HollyStormCloud Posts: 2,611 Member
    Love the metal version! We area actually supposed to get back into the 70s this week which is a welcome relief from walking in the upper 40s and 50s, though I'm guessing those temps might seem downright balmy to you guys up there in the north.
  • LordWulfram
    LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
    @HollyStormCloud ....... and I was looking forward to just high 40's and light rain!
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    Last week wasn't a good week for me, but I am 2,045 steps ahead of the average!

    The one day I was able to get outside, I listened to the New Heights podcast. Past my time on the treadmill with Rewind: The 90s.

    I have pustular psoriasis on my feet. I had it under control until about the first of the year. Right now, it feels like I am walking on razor blades most days. Trying to get this back under control! That 10K will be here before I know it and I really want to complete it!
  • HollyStormCloud
    HollyStormCloud Posts: 2,611 Member
    Oh ouch, @renae149 , I didn't know what that was and had to look it up. I'm so sorry you are dealing with that. I hope you are able to get it under control quickly.

    My daughter sent me this, I hope you guys enjoy. Talk about a mashup that was meant to be.
  • peoriapole
    peoriapole Posts: 1,799 Member
    I checked this morning and I am averaging about 10,500 a day so far. I'm not worried about it though, once I am mended, a few 15K days will get me back on target.
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    @HollyStormCloud It took about 2 years for them to finally send me to a dermatologist and get it figured out. I'll get it back under control, just takes time... And less stress!

    @peoriapole Back pain is the absolute worst! I feel for you.

    Once we all (or at least the three of us ;) )get out of this cold weather things will get easier to make up those steps!

    A little Ozzy always helps boost the steps!

  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    Okay @HollyStormCloud, believe it or not, I did my post then went back to watch your link! Made me chuckle that Ozzy was part of the mashup! Haha!!
  • HollyStormCloud
    HollyStormCloud Posts: 2,611 Member
    I am taking PTO tomorrow and will be shooting for another 30+ step day. I looked up my "Best in a day" on FitBit and in April of 2021 I had a 50,000+ step day. I don't know if I'll ever hit that number again, but it is tempting to try. Not tomorrow though. Tomorrow I'm just going to walk 4 miles down to Gulfport to have lunch at Golden Dinosaur, a small vegan restaurant, and then walk 4 miles back home.
  • LordWulfram
    LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
    I have a great taco truck that is just over 2 miles from the house, I am glad to read that I am not the only one who sometimes walks for a food reward! :-)
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    edited January 25
    Anyone use Evidation? Was scrolling through and came across my year end review. Think I’ll have to set my goal for 4.3M!qmfa3szijlr1.jpeg
  • LordWulfram
    LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
    @renae149 Looks cool, what does it do that MyFitnessPal and Fitbit do not already do?
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    Evidation is more health question. You get to learn different things, earn points then you can cash your points in for gift cards. You also get points for your exercise. I started several years ago. It’s interesting to read some of the articles and compare yourself to others in your age/gender group.
  • LordWulfram
    LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
    I was interested in seeing the rather large section of Veteran questions. As a veteran myself, luckily not one who needs extended care, I like to see my fellow Veterans get the care they need. We shall see about the rest.
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    Let me start by saying Thank you! And I’m glad that you don’t need the extra care. It has interesting articles. To tell you the truth, I started it because you got paid for steps and exercise. Thinking it would keep me motivated. I haven’t cashed in any of my points though. I enjoy reading some of the articles.