Week 5: Social Chatting

LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
@peoriapole - I hope you are feeling better soon!

I wish I had a physical excuse, I am just going to brag. My daughter went to the county wrestling tournament, where all girls from the entire county come to wrestle and she won her weight class. Plus, her championship match was the last of the night and by winning the match she also won her school the team championship! So, although my steps sucked because I was sitting in the bleachers all weekend, I am a proud Dad who just needs to get out and make up steps this week!


  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    edited January 29
    @LordWulfram That is awesome! Enjoy every minute of it! My youngest has been out of HS sports for about 5 years now. I do miss the socialization of it for sure. Spent many a nights walking laps around the ball fields between games to get rid of bleacher butt!

    @peoriapole hope you got with the doc and can start mending!

    Hubs and I took a weekend trip to Pittsburgh PA to watch a couple of hockey games. We drove, which we enjoy doing, but my steps definitely suffered! 15 hours out and 15 hours back. I did manage to get half an hour in on a treadmill on Friday morning. Drove from Pitt to St Louis yesterday then found a place to watch the game. Go Chiefs!!! :p
  • HollyStormCloud
    HollyStormCloud Posts: 2,611 Member
    @LordWulfram , that is so cool! Congrats to her!

    My step count yesterday was abysmal, but I get to blame my job. I have a two day trip next week and I was chained to my computer writing rubrics and answer rationales for hours yesterday and today isn't likely to be much better. :(
  • LordWulfram
    LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
    @renae149 ..... So, I gotta ask....... ask a Chief's fan are you a Taylor Swift fan? Being a Buccs fan, I was out a couple of weeks ago, but still love watching the games.
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    @LordWulfram … never really cared for her music. But I will tell you, I have bought a Kelce tshirt before the start of every season for about 7 years now. This is the first year I have only worn it once instead of every Friday. The one weekend I did wear it I was called a “swifty”. Nope…not again!!!😂😂 Born and raised in Kansas, been a Chiefs fan even when all we did was yell at the bad plays all day Sunday.

    Not really liking the article I read this morning that the Chiefs are the new Patriots, but I do understand it…
  • LordWulfram
    LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
    @renae149 I read the same article, I think "Jealous" is the best response! As for the "Swifty" comment, I am 100% behind Swift/Kelce! She has as much of a right to see the games as any of us do! The aftergame Sunday was perfect and I wanted to cheer for them! But I can see long-term fans getting frustrated at the "bandwagon" or maybe we should call it "Swifty-wagon" jumpers, but I also read that the Chief's have made $331 million on sales this year, so they are smiling to the bank!
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    @LordWulfram I'm not opposed to the relationship at all! Things have calmed down a lot since the beginning of the season. When it all fist came out, you couldn't find Monday morning articles about the game, just about her being there. As the season has come along, she really seems to be a class act. I can see why she has such a following. She seems very private as apposed to Travis' outgoing, attention seeking, little brother vibe!
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    It was 60 here yesterday! A little wind, but nothing that stopped me from getting out and enjoying the sunshine! Managed a 2 mile walk, time wasn't what I wanted, but I got out! Closed my deficit. Now -2,259

    @peoriapole how is your back?
  • HollyStormCloud
    HollyStormCloud Posts: 2,611 Member
    @renae149 , nice weather. We hit mid 60s and the sun was shining, but alas, I was still chained to my computer so my mileage is still lower than normal. Gonna be back down to 48 tonight :(
  • LordWulfram
    LordWulfram Posts: 140 Member
    Today's HIGH is support to be 49 with light rain. I'll do my mile anyway, but man, am I digging myself a hole when the weather improves!
  • peoriapole
    peoriapole Posts: 1,799 Member
    I saw the sun today!!!

    Back is about the same, I moved a lot more today and I am paying the price. My wife is all over me about calling the doctor, so I may give in and go see him.
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    edited February 1
    Another 2+ mile walk yesterday! And I have to say, I had added some of the songs that were posted to my play list, not bad at all! Not something I would have found on my own, but I'm not deleting them. Nice beats!

    @HollyStormCloud I have 1 more day of 60+ degrees, although supposed to have 20mph winds today. I would love to get one more good walk in today. Actually produced a sweat yesterday! :D And I love how your "low steps" days are my big days! Haha!!

    @peoriapole Listen to your wife! ;)
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    Rainy weekend, followed by another week of 60 degrees! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • HollyStormCloud
    HollyStormCloud Posts: 2,611 Member
    We have a 99% chance of rain on Sunday, but only 8% Saturday so hopefully I can get out there and stomp some miles.
  • peoriapole
    peoriapole Posts: 1,799 Member
    Well, I'm falling further behind, I'm glad it's at the start of the year rather than later. I will get caught up. I did listen to my wife and called my doctor. He is on vacation and will get me in on the 2/28/24. So I am back to self treatment. Been here before, but it normally doesn't stick around this long.

    I would love to know what I actually did this time, I didn't have any trauma, it just started hurting one day and got worse. Getting old sucks.

    Have a Great Week!
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    My husband always says getting old sucks. But I like it better than the alternative! :)
  • HollyStormCloud
    HollyStormCloud Posts: 2,611 Member
    Tomorrow I leave for New Brunswick, NJ and don't return until nearly midnight on Wednesday so my step count is likely to be abysmal. I guess I'll walk back and forth in the terminal until my plane boards in the morning and see how many steps I can stack up. I get to the hotel early enough to stomp around NB for about an hour before I have to meet with my team, but Wednesday is likely to be a total bust. Eight and a half hours of committee meetings and then to the train station and airport. I just don't want a day below 10,000.
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 444 Member
    Good luck @HollyStormCloud !