Roll call ~ Mon Feb 26, 2024

mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
Good morning, gents.


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    Well, icefishing went quite well. The boys didn’t mind the cold, and the sun was warm, with little to no wind. They kept falling on the ice at first, but they eventually got the hang of walking and were scooting everywhere without further damage. When things got boring we went for a walk and explored a beaver lodge and dam down the other end of the lake. DD said they came home very excited about their day. My serving hot chocolate and cookies probably helped the mood as well. Maybe next time we’ll even catch some fish…

    Dave, glad your back to doing some real walking. If you eventually get back into some real hiking again, that weight will melt off in no time. Hope Rita can get those headaches quelled. Must be awful.

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    Sounds like a good day with the kids, Mike.
    So far, so good, Dave.
    Off to work. I get a decent wage and OK health insurance, and I like the folks I work with, although dysfunctional at times. The future without me as the main veterinarian doesn't look too bright, though. Unfortunately, the powers that be just seem to have their head in the sand about the whole thing.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,660 Member
    Good Morning,
    Busy weekend yesterday went to church then had to go to old stomping ground; old friend passed away and they had visitation in afternoon; hour and half away and we had invited friends over for supper last night. Was great to see old friends and families.
    Beautiful day today starting out in 40's should get up to low 70's.
    I have doctors appointment then lodge tonight, DW has her oncologist appointment this morning, Since Pablo spent so much time in crate yesterday did not want him to be fastened up so much today so skipping ROMEO's this morning.
    Sounds as most of us are doing better, have a great day.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I am pleased with the success I have had losing weight, but look forward to when I am cleared to lift anything over 10 lbs. I must admit I have fudged a little a couple times. I picked up a 16 lb. bag of rice and a couple pieces of wood for the lathe might have been past the limit - I wasn't carrying a scale. I'm trying to be good, though. As long as I am working on a better weight, I want to also work on getting stronger and maintaining bone mass, too.

    Weather is kind of crummy, today. It's 34 with showers of mixed rain and snow. It might dry out a bit in the afternoon. A couple big storms are expected later in the week, with heavy rain here, and heavy snow in the mountains.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    Mike, it sounds like a wonderful outing for those kids.

    A quiet day yesterday. I got out for a walk, but rested hoping it would help the gut issues settle down more, which they did till evening and then kept me up till 1:30am. I am still working on how to make this work until it goes away. Today I need to track down the remaining pre-op stuff for my back since they haven’t called me about it yet. I am back on focusing on my weight and fitness and build some momentum into the back procedure. I still have to make the goulash today, I passed on it yesterday when I realized I had an afternoon zoom meeting that ended up running for just over 2 hours. By then it was too late to start it. But I am looking forward to a day of cooking, some exercise, some cleaning and some relaxing. Perhaps I will stumble into a nap. Hopefully I will get to sleep without drama.