Roll Call ~ Monday 3/4/24

manladdvm Posts: 8,893 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,893 Member
    Time to make the donuts.
    Very depressing situation at work. Young partner doctor called in because of corneal scratch (she often wears contacts) and we have to either reschedule her already fully booked day or I have to somehow deal with them. This is on the heels of her being back ONE day on Friday after taking 2 weeks of sick leave (we suspect she lost an early pregnancy but have actually have no proof and no real explanation). The whole staff is pissed because many of them lost hours (smaller paycheck) as a result of not having a working doctor to support and/or having to deal with the uncertainty of booking her appointments. The feeling is that she is at best overly dramatic, and at worst has some sort of pathology. I do not know how my supervisor and his bosses are feeling and if they have any plan of action, but the situation appears to be spiraling and the bottom line is lost revenue. In the past I was cautiously optimistic, but now I am having serious doubts. Dr Dinwiddie is getting tired of being the glue and the workhorse and not having any say in dealing with the problem.
    OK, rant over.
    Ran into the 82 yr old farmer down the road at the town transfer station yesterday. I only hope I am rocking and rolling like that guy when I hit 82.
    Hope everyone has a good Monday.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,552 Member

    I have met guys who were in their 80's and seemed like they were nowhere near that age. Local hiking leader who climbed mt. Rainier at 86, farmers who just keep going and going; seems amazing.

    Got out for a nice walk yesterday--60º and sunny--and saw that the ice on the lake where we icefished a week ago is now half gone. And another lake that had people on the ice then, is now 100% open water. A guy was fishing from the shore and two kayaks were far out on the water.

    My Lenten efforts at avoiding media has been a bust so far. Going to start shutting down the laptop and smartphone after I check in here each morning.

    Going for a long walk somewhere, but first,

    TIme for some coffee...
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,165 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Hope all are fine in this Monday.

    Sorry for the work issues, Lee.

    It's frosty this morning and the rain has stopped, at least for this morning. I plan to spend time on my lathe, but the boss might have other ideas. We'll see. Tomorrow is supposed to be cool and dry. I'd like to try taking a hike, but don't know how she will react to that, either. She worries.

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,823 Member
    Good Morning,
    Know it is hard watching a business that you and DW built fall apart and you want to take care of longtime customers.
    Mike several years ago we stopped watching as much news, we now limit ourselves to no more than 30 minutes; besides most of time they just keep repeating themselves, don't really report but put their personal spin on items.
    Partly cloudy but 72 this afternoon then rain comes back tomorrow and Wednesday, sunny Thursday then rain Friday and Saturday. No frost next 10 days.
    DW gone to oncologist for iron infusion, should take a couple of hours, meanwhile Pablo wants to go on a long walk.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,673 Member
    Good Morning

    I am sorry, Lee, that you are watching your wonderful practice being run so poorly. It sounds like once again you are at that point of deciding if it is worth it to hang in there.

    I am going back on to more restricted eating based on the paperwork I received during my radiation treatments. I have lost ground on leaving the side effects on my gut behind. Right now I am focusing on getting ready for Friday’s surgery and will try to get pain management back under control. Skies have cleared after a cold and wet day out yesterday, so I will try an easy walk along with some stretching. I struggled a bit walking about the museum yesterday.