Roll Call - Tuesday, March 5, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good morning!

    Lee, that is a hard situation that you are facing at work. Hopefully, you will get some real help sooner, rather than later. Unfortunately, it may take a few bad reviews and lost customers before management will really get a clue. My old employers now know how much I was holding that mess together since I left. It is sad that these situations have to get to this point.

    My weight loss is -11.6 pounds and 6% of my bodyweight lost. I have started using the treadmill again along with walking with Frankie in the cemetery. I have even been starting to jog just a very little bit. It feels great! I've lost enough weight now that it does not hurt. I'm taking it very slowly, like 1/4 to 1/2 mile 30 seconds jog, 60 seconds walk. Onward and downward.

    Work is still crazy with end of fiscal year and moving. We now have some working operations in both buildings. All of the computerized CNC machines and fast wire machines are moving this week. The offices are moving next Monday. Whew! There are a lot of moving pieces (no pun intended) in getting a whole factory from point A to point B. Our new plant is twice the size of the existing plant. We are going from mid-town to north town. The traffic is going to be nuts if I take the straight direction. I am taking a lesser used highway further into Missouri. It will add 5-10 minutes each day (maybe not any when traffic is stuck) but it will be much more peaceful.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    Good luck on the move, Steve. Sounds like you are getting real, solid results from that health program, finally! Keep up the good work...

    Lee, I don't understand how on earth your management can keep that vet, unless nobody is telling them what they think. It's like nobody cares -- except you, who does all the work when she is not there.

    Thick fog this morning, can barely see 100 yards. Yesterday I went for a hike on a new trail I'd never been on, not long, about an hour, but at least I got out and moved.

    Bill, do your surgeons know about your eating issues not being resolved? Wondering if you should be going into surgery without being fully recovered from the other treatments you went through... Just a thought...

    Have a good one, everybody. Now, time for some coffee.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    I'm a bit flummoxed on the how upper management is handling the partner doctor. Personally, I would not have given her Partner Doctor until she had proven that she could be productive. They may be handcuffed with claims of mental health stuff. M says Heart&Paw should give me a lollipop or something. I am really OK, because I have a great staff and understanding clients. I am just starting to feel like this situation with the partner doctor is getting toxic.
    I can't imagine the logistics of moving your operation, Steve. Monumental. I feel a peaceful commute is worth a few extra minutes.
    Congrats on your progress with your weight, Steve. So glad you feel good jogging. That is impressive.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,661 Member
    Good Morning,
    Day starting out in 50's, should warm to near 70 rain coming this afternoon.
    Need to move some stuff in backyard before rain comes in, trying to get ready for sod next week, Need to get where Pablo will not be so muddy,
    Congrats on loss Steve and exercise, keep it up.
    Never try to understand higher ups, it will only cause frustration, confusion and irritation.
    Bill, fingers crossed and prayers for your upcoming back surgery.
    I'm now walking about 4 miles a day with Pablo, trying to work up to where I could keep up with Bob or Mike.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I went through deploying a section, with all equipment, several times, and know what was involved with that. Can't imagine all the moving pieces of shifting an entire factory.

    It will be pretty cool, but dry, today and I wanted to go for a hike, but I have been kind of blocked up the last few days and took some meds, last night. I don't want to be on trail when everything loosens, if you get my drift. Maybe I'll get out tomorrow.

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    I would imagine moving a working factory would be a challenge to the team dynamic of any organization. It sounds like you might have a pretty good group to work with Steve.

    Final hurdle is todays pre op mini physical this morning. All the tests have been run so I don’t expect any glitches. I don’t think my gut issues are serious enough to warrant concern as well as I am careful about what I eat and drink and I will be fasting all day before the 3pm procedure. I am good to go. Today I will finish up my laundry and a few chores. I will get out for a walk after I am home from this Dr. In a humorous moment, I got the referral to a new Urologist. Turns out he is the partner of my old one. I laughed and passed.