Roll Call ~ Sunday March 9th, 2024

manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
Morning Gents


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    edited March 10
    What a wet day it was in the field yesterday.
    Today colder and much windier, and snow.
    Not ideal weather conditions to be playing outside.
    Hope you're feeling a bit better today, Bill.
    And that the hospital somehow gets you your discharge instructions.
    Dave, I forget, what kind of smoker do you use?
    Any word on the MRI, Sam?
    Had some very nice fresh pasta last night at a little Italian joint. Paired with grilled chicken instead of parmagiana. My buddies went whole hog, and I was tempted, but I perservered.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good morning!

    179.6 this morning and falling. Goal is 165 or less.

    Bill, I am glad that you are on the road to recovery. Prayers continue in earnest for you.

    I don't know what smoker Dave has, but I have a Traeger and I love it!

    Yesterday was a day of rest for me. Today will be a day of chores for me.

    Connie and I made a firm decision yesterday, and I felt a load released from me. We decided that I would indeed retire when I turn 65. That means my last day of work will be April 30, 2025. I can do 13.5 months. Now I have a solid target to shoot at, and to prepare for. We are waiting on the Medicare eligibility.

    Mike, sounds like an awesome outing. I'm ready to get my kayak wet.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    Glad your surgery is over, Bill; sounds like an adventure indeed. Prayers for a successful outcome now.

    Dreary drizzle and fog this morning, and 40°. Yuck.

    Still tracking on Fitbit. Calories sometimes over budget, but am being more careful of what I eat and how much.

    You guys losing weight are making me envious.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Well done choosing grilled chicken, Lee. Now, if you peeled off the skin and left it on the plate you get bonus points. Keep up the losing Steve. you're going great.

    Drove DS's minivan to Home Depot, yesterday (he used our CRV to go skiing). It felt very strange. I haven't driven anything but our car for years.

    I have an electric smoker. I forget the brand. I use whatever fruit wood I have been turning. This time, it was cherry. DDIL thought I put allspice in my rub. It was just the variety of wood. I should use the smoker more. When I first got it, 10 or 12 years ago, I was smoking things all the time - smoked fish, brisket, even a turkey or two. Now, it's just when I fix ribs. If I catch any trout this year, I need to smoke some.

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    Steve, congratulations on your and Connie agreeing on a retirement date. It is a big step. Let the countdown begin!

    I called my surgeons after hours number where the voice mail wasn’t functioning. A couple hours later he saw someone had called it and was able to retrieve the number and called and went over the recovery care. He’s a bit surprised by the amount of nerve pain I am experiencing in my left calf since he was able to create quite a bit of room for the nerve. If it doesn’t improve he may do an MRI to see what is going on. But it calmed down quite a bit in the afternoon with lots of walking around the first floor and by the grace of Oxycodone I am moving around the house quite comfortably after morning stiffness eases. My wife and son are taking over shopping and dinner prep. Heather is fighting a cold so not much happening today. I am looking forward to getting the compression stockings off, the bandage off, a gentle shower, and a new bandage if necessary. I know Dave learned this with his recovery, but it is amazing how little there is to lift or move when you are under a 5-10lb limit and the intense gaze of your loving wife.