Roll Call 15 March 2024

LeonardRing Posts: 4,661 Member
Rise and Shine
Daylight is burning
In case you missed it yesterday was Pi day


  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Going to be a beautiful day in Tumwater, sunny and 68 degrees. I will spend time in the shop, but a Sassy walk is definitely in order.

    I have a rough-turned vase I want to look at as a basis for an urn for my mother. I think it will work well. We'll see.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,104 Member
    Gosh I leave you guys alone for a moment and all heeeck breaks loose.
    Sorry about your mom Dave and send my best to you and your family.
    Golf ball size hail Steve and Connie??? YIKES. We got some BB sized hail a couple of days ago for a few minutes.
    Sounds like Bill may be doing a little bit better. We are all hanging in there.
    My DDIL is doing great and had the less invasive laparoscopy type appendectomy. She even went shopping yesterday. Hard to keep her down. Our son is doing ok with his hip so far.
    My eye appt yesterday was ok but doing drops in both eyes just to be sure my IOP isn't too much.

    Hang in there everybody!!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    Bob, I am glad to hear your DDIL is bouncing back so quickly.

    Dave, how wonderful that you are able to make the urn. It seems so right.

    Yesterday I reduced my Percocet usage from 4 pills to 3 without only a little additional discomfort. I have my one week follow up today and I feel like I am doing fairly well now after a rough start. I am hoping to get the guidance needed to start increasing my activity and begin some regular walking or exercise without screwing things up. I just want to get out of the house. I still suffer some lack of mental clarity, especially when reading, doing crosswords etc. But I think that will continue to improve as I am sleeping much better and pain levels are in retreat. We are enjoying a stretch of temps in the 70’s. Its a shame to spend it inside.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,104 Member
    YIKES Steve 'GORILLA HAIL". as in King Kong I think sounds awful indeed!!!!
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Late check-in. For some reason I had trouble getting logged on this morning.

    We have insurance inspections scheduled for next week. Because our unemployed (just this week) son has his own car insurance we have a $1000 deductible on that. And then the roof. I think we have another $1000 deductible. Sigh....

    This has been a very, very long week at work. Connie and I had decided that I would retire at my 65th birthday, so April 30, 2025 (Birthday May 19). But, after this week, and antics pulled by the bosses, we are going to look at ways that I can cover health insurance and retire earlier. I was so burned out at my last job that I think I am just tired of working. I have been working steadily since 1976. I'm tired.

    You should see all of the roofing contractor signs up and down the street. We have a company we have used since 1990ish, so we have a good one. In fact, they installed the roof we have on our house now. We trust them to give us an honest assessment, and they will hold up with the insurance company.

    Have a great evening!