Introduce Yourself!

kdavixen2841 Posts: 50 Member
Feel free to introduce yourself here! This is a new group so it may be a bit of a bumpy start but we will figure this out together!


  • kdavixen2841
    kdavixen2841 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Kim. I noticed that many of the BED groups that had been created were not active anymore so I started one to stay accountable in my journey and hopefully bring others on their recovery journey together. I'm not in recovery yet but I'm working on it! I'm a mom of 2, married, and currently a SAHM but actively looking to return to work this year, so understand how life gets in the way of our progress, but we can do this!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi there. I'm Katherine. This is my first time posting on this platform, but I have been a lurker on MFP for 10 years.

    I'm always struggling, but really hoping I can make positive changes this time, because I'm in my mid-30s and not very mobile currently. I want to change that and learn to enjoy physical activities again. I want to embrace positive food choices and stop feeling bad and guilty.

    Thanks for creating an active group!
  • kdavixen2841
    kdavixen2841 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome! Yaaaaaas! I love what you said ♥️(learn to love physical activity and embrace positive food choices with less guilt!) and feel this so much. Once we can start seeing this journey as a strength, not a weakness, we can do anything we set our minds to! Plus with the internet we are bombarded with so many triggers but once we can find what works for us, it's gets less overwhelming 🙌🏽
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you! I am getting put on medication on May 2 by my doctor, and he will be starting me on the Mediterranean diet at that time as well. Thought I'd get started early and start logging in my food intake. It's TOUGH. I'm really struggling with cravings and wanting to consume massive amounts of sugar and carbs.
  • BigLittlePrincess
    BigLittlePrincess Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone! I have been on MFP on a different account to keep track of my calories when I was restricting and binging. We all know that cycle, right? I no longer do that sort of thing and have been embracing body positivity but a lot of the psychological progress I made, exacerbated my binging.

    I also changed jobs and now I'm not very active (I used to walk 3-5 miles daily) and I gained a lot of weight.

    When I weighed 145lb I was miserable. Now that I weigh 210lbs, I'm miserable. The happiest I've ever been was when I was 170lb. I loved my curves and was active and ate a lot of and was so happy. I felt gorgeous and confident but the underlying issue was never addressed: emotional eating. So I kept getting bigger until my confidence went to crap again.

    Eating disorders are weird. So I'm here trying a few things and wanting accountability too.
  • kdavixen2841
    kdavixen2841 Posts: 50 Member
    Happy you are here @BigLittlePrincess! Welcome! Yes many of us, I believe, feel we can say that we understand the struggle! We are all here to uplift and BE UPLIFTED! You are all smart and very capable in this group (I mean... You all came here on your own looking to make beneficial changes stick!) so we can do this! Let's focus on 1 step at a time instead of the whole staircase🙌🏽🥳♥️