Roll Call - Monday, April 29, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
    Good morning!

    I had a cat on my lap yesterday morning, and rather than fight her, I never got checked in here. I have a cat on my lap this morning, and she keeps pawing/clawing at my arm as I type.

    We had WILD storms over the weekend. We have had close to five inches of rain since Friday. It is very soggy out. We could have rain three more days this week.

    Collin is doing

    his first solo commute this morning as I have a doctor visit. He is not sure this is the job for him, but he knows he cannot quit unless he has another job. I don't know if there is a right job out there for him. His understanding of how the world should work, and how it actually works are two different things.

    I will be working with the doctor this morning to see if my exhaustion is mostly stress and job burnout, or if there is something else going on. This feels different than my depression.

    My weight is holding steady around 173/174. I need to dig a little deeper to get the weight down some more. Less cheating, and more basics. I have been doing well on fruit, but less well on veggies.

    I have three interviews today. That's encouraging. I have two tomorrow. I do need to also try and get a little accounting done on the year end. I think that it is going to end up with my making year end correcting entries, without understanding what is underlying the corrections needed. I don't like doing it that way, but there is not time for the deep digging and analysis right now.

    Have a great day!
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,692 Member
    Mornin' gents

    Hoping you are doing fine physically, Steve. Good job getting a check up.
    I have an upcoming dermatology appointment. I have a feeling that all my years in the sun, and being blond and blue eyed has produced a lesion on the left side of my face. I thought is might be psoriasis, but the derm doc will figure it out.
    I get an occasional floater in my left eye, Mike. Annoying.
    Glad that the radiation treatments are over, Bob. Sorry I misunderstood that they were still ongoing. Hope you are getting back to your normal energizer bunny self.
    Caught my dinner yesterday. A nice fat rainbow on a fly. Mad a couple of nice jumps and almost too big for my net. It was the only hook up I had in 3 hours of casting flies.

    Onward and downwards ;-)
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,585 Member
    Good Morning

    Bob, glad your treatments are done. I pray the gut issues pass quickly. I have eliminated many things from my diet to minimize, but still have some issues. I read it can last a few weeks to a few months.

    Heather is still rather ill with this cold. She is calling into the Dr since she is entering her 2nd week and hasn’t made much progress. I continue to sleep downstairs which isn’t always restful. The spare bedroom’s bed is piled high from out packing days, but I think I will clean it off today. More cardio today. I don’t know if I am making progress but I keep pushing on through the longest 20min of my life on those machines. Stepped on a scale yesterday. Ugly. Working my way back on plan modified for my current eating habits. No salads, limited fruits, avoid fiber etc kinda takes alot of good options off the list.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,954 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Hope the gut issues resolve themselves soon, Bob. You too Bill.

    As one who has spent a lot of time out in the sun and also has a northern European skin tone, I sympathize, Lee. Over the years I have had a half dozen basil cell carcinomas, one early-stage melanoma, and countless precancerous actinic keratosis patches. Hope yours is nothing more than the latter.

    Rita has a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so our day is limited. Need to spend some time outlining my thoughts for what to say at Mom's memorial service, Saturday.

    I surprised myself on the scale, yesterday. I went below 164 for the first time in decades. I'm not as tall as I used to be, so I don't look as thin as I did. I like being skinny.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    Lee, sounds like a nice catch. "The big one." I don't keep grapes in the house. I understand they have lots of sugar in them, and it's not fructose like most fruit, but glucose--blood sugar--which goes straight into the bloodstream bypassing digestion. Raisins, of course, the same, only even more concentrated. Not sure if any other fruit has glucose...

    If weather stays dry will try to get out in canoe today and do a trial run of my extra seat. I glued the cane in with hide glue, which can be easily removed some day when the cane wears out again. Hide glue is very strong but not waterproof, so I coated the glued edges with spar varnish. The rest I just wiped with linseed oil, which is easier to repair when damaged than varnish; just wipe more on with a rag and be done.

    I need to book a dermatologist appointment to check a spot on my scalp. PCP says it's nothing to bother with, but would like 2nd opinion. My EX just had some precancerous stuff removed from her face--was a long ordeal I guess, and walking around with a honkin' big bandage on her cheek and bruised swollen eye.

    Onward and downward, hopefully...
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,657 Member
    Good Morning,
    Believe I'm good with dermatologist for next few months.
    Sorry you are having issues Bob and Bill, pray they improve soon.
    Neighbor passed away yesterday afternoon, she had fought cancer for 8 years.
    I love me some trout but waters are too warm here for them to live.
    Seeing doctor this afternoon to see what he is going to do with left eye,
    Hope they can find issue Steve, I know mine is low blood count but can't seem to get it up.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,103 Member
    Thanks Bill. I have minimized some things in my diet for now including real coffee and hot sauce. Don't know how long the gut stuff will last.

    Yea Lee hope your skin stuff is maybe psoriasis. I did have a Squamous cell CA removed from one of my ears with MOH surgery. Nice Lee fresh rainbow trout is my wifes favorite!!

    Oh Sam so sorry about your neighbor passing.

    Hang in there guys!!