Roll Call - Cinco de Mayo

shenry111 Posts: 4,106 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,106 Member
    Good morning!

    Dave, prayers continue for you and your family. I hope that you had a safe trip to Salem.

    My last car battery lasted less than 3 years. I was told that it was due to the stress of having the lights on for a period after the car is shut off, coupled with the stress of the extreme cold and hot weather here.

    Yesterday ended up being a rest day. Today will be more about chores.

    Have a great day!

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,900 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Everything went fine yesterday. The service was a bit emotional, at times, but was a wonderful celebration of a very long life. Saw some people I hadn't seen in decades, too.

    We made it home a little after 10. Sassy spent the day in the backyard, and I was greeted by an extatically happy, very wet, muddy dog. I was soon almost as wet and muddy. Drying her off was the first order of business. We'll see, today, whether she did any digging in the lawn.

    Church, this morning, probably a nap in the afternoon.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,438 Member
    Mornin' gentlemen..

    Never got out to paddle on Friday. Found a tick on my belly and had to get to doctor's office, who did labs and sent me to pharmacy for antibiotics. Half the day was shot. Now waiting for lab results, although no symptoms, thankfully. Lyme disease is common around here.

    Spent the day yesterday tuning EX's old beat up, terrible sounding piano while she's away, and removed the action mechanism to bring home. I plan to file the deep string grooves off the felt hammerheads and soften them with needle pricks--something called "voicing" --which helps mellow the brassy tone of the strings. Practice for me, before I try it on somebody's good piano and ruin it.

    Regards to you family, Dave, as you bury your mom. May she rest in peace.

    Steve, hope things at work turn out for the best. I think accounting schools should give us a booklet or video for us to pass along to our future managers, explaining "The job of an accountant". I always said it was like being on an assembly line where the conveyor belt of new work never stops, and if you pause for something else there's a pile up. Like "I Love Lucy" in the Chocolate Factory episode, if you ever watched that show.

    Cool and misty this morning. Church and then a walk. Will treat my hiking clothes with permethrin before I go in the bush again.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,614 Member
    Good Morning,
    Not making church today, heavy rain woke me this morning, sunny and warming now.
    Agree Mike, most accountants are really comptrollers and expected to handle all problems and issues.
    Accounting is considered a necessary evil that many businesses are not willing to invest in they do not understand that proper accounting can improve profits and reduce stress for owners.
    Dave, glad you had a safe trip and got to see family; recommend setting up about two get togethers a year to keep up with family.
    Glad Heather is feeling better.
    Prayers for Bob
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,094 Member
    I was having some issues with car batteries and then when I wasn't driving much I got an "intelligent" trickle charger which is thought to greatly extend the life of batteries. So far it is working great indeed!!!
    Wow Dave that is a long Dave including round-trip from Tumwater to Salem. Prayers indeed for the family! Glad you are safe at home. We had more than an inch of rain at our place near PDX. I had yucky bike ride.

    Everyone stay safe and heal up!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,561 Member
    Good Morning

    Dave, I am glad all went well yesterday especially with the drive and the wet & muddy Sassy greeting!

    It was cold and wet yesterday for longer than projected. I finally ran to the store only to come out to a downpour. We are not used to May rain showers. I was still sore from the prior days walk so I took it easy. My zoom dulcimer meeting was cancelled when only a couple of us showed up, so I was able to enjoy more if the Derby. Heather came in 4th, mine was a distant 12th using my mothers ‘sure fire’ methodology for picking horses. I am not sure about today, but there will be some cardio. Nothing planned for Cinco de Mayo.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,663 Member
    Evenin' gents.

    Derby was exciting.
    So glad it was a good memorial, Dave. She sounds like a helluva lady. She sure has left behind a wonderful family. Sassy knew you needed that kind of welcome.
    I hate ticks.
    Car batteries are unpredictable.

    Onward and downwards ;-)