Charge 6 overestimates calories burned

glassyo Posts: 7,614 Member
I originally posted this in the fitness category and also on (the one person who answered was no help at all...kinda condescending actually) so taking my last shot over here.

tldr: Is there a learning curve/tips and tricks to get the most accurate tdee out of the charge 6 or is it a wysisyg type thing?

(And, yes, I've most likely posted the same thing about other fitbits I had that overestimated calories but it's been 5 years since I last tried...I'm not counting the 1 day I had the inspire 3...and thought maybe things had changed.)

Original post:

I just got a fitbit charge 6 and, like all the non original fitbits before it, it's overestimating exercise calories. There's just no way in hell my tdee is 2900 with the exercise I do even if I rarely stop moving as opposed to my garmin which came in at 2400ish.

My fitbit stats are correct and so is the time zone. It's on my non dominant hand and I have that as a setting too (the garmin lives on my ankle because most of my walking is indoors now while playing on my tablets or working). My meal plan is set as sedentary.

It does well with counting steps. Fitbit was 46,000 and garmin was 98,000.

I have it set to automatically calculate stride length and I take a lot of teeny tiny steps because of the walking dvds I do.

I don't have it syncing with mfp since I still have my garmin syncing so I'm adding my eaten calories with fitbit manually.

Any tips or ideas? I have until May 17th to return it.

As always, please and thank you. :)