Tuesday Cuppa Joe: 5.14.24

DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
Good morning BBB! Sip your favorite morning brew and settle in…its time for morning roll-call!

"....keep looking up! That's the secret of life." ~Snoopy 🐾🐾🐾


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
    • Another long day ahead w/ COR training for work (shoot me)!
    • HOA meeting tonight. 118 page Board Packet! Meeting is going to be 4+ hours!
    • C'mon weekend!

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • Up early for Emmaus Reunion group.
    • After that I'm off to PT.
    • Ortho appt. one week from today. Hope to be back on the bike after that.
    • MM Breakfast yesterday went well.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' BBB.

    Still trying to recover from my Hunt Test weekend. The spaniels are wondering why we aren't still playing the games.
    Tree guy pulled the wires for cable/internet/phone yesterday with his cherry picker bucket yesterday afternoon. DW is very annoyed. We dinna lose service but now we gotta call the cable guy to come to re-suspend the cables.

    BBB OP ;-)
  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,565 Member
    Good morning.

    118 pages? Gah!

    I presume the tree guy will pay you back Lee?
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    No meeting can ever be productive for four hours.

    Shopping for pickups, today, I think.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Morning,
    I fully agree any meeting going more than an hour is not going to be productive or positive.
    I'm glad all our lines and cables are buried,
    Doctor this morning told DW she needed 4 to 6 weeks of PT, if that does not solve problem needs to see a spine specialist.
    Hope Whiskey Fire release next Tuesday and going down the road.
    Mary, planting at main home or lake? One needs to be for rest and play.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Speaking of whiskey fire, which is the name of the color of the new Harley. It's an orangish red. I think her name is going to be Brandy. Now if that reminds you of a song by a group called Looking Glass you are thinking like me.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Morning gang.

    Exciting news. Ron ran into a PT/massage therapist in the gym the other day. He is retired from the US but has a strong background in neurological and spine issues. He said this before he even knew Rons issues. He has a consultation tomorrow.

    Plus he leads bi-weekly yoga/Tai chi classes we might both enjoy.

    Planning a trip to Phoenix for next week. Hoping to get everything done we need in 24 hrs...my list is long but hopefully manageable. Main goal is to get Ron's DL and our best credit card which arrived at our friends house on Sunday and to get a resupply of Dr bronners soap. Plus an amazon order of randomness than isn't readily available in Mexico.