Hump Day Cuppa Joe 5.29.24

DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
edited May 29 in Social Groups
Good morning BBB! Sip your favorite morning brew and settle in…its time for morning roll-call!

"....keep looking up! That's the secret of life." ~Snoopy 🐾🐾🐾


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
    edited May 29
    • Thankfully heading home today!
    • Miss my dog.
    • Is #summerofLou getting better?
    • MommaMoody - ugh. Sorry to hear. Hope you’re getting squared away and better soon.
    • Off to OC, Maryland tomorrow for conf.
    • Cannot imagine what’s piling up at office. Ugh

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' BBB

    Hope they fixed that crown properly this time, Kelly. Hope the fencing wasn't made to order, that would be a serious and expensive faux pas on someone's part at the lumberyard.
    Safe travels home, Skip. Tucker missed you too.
    Last few days of work before heading to Spain this weekend to hang out on a Mediterranean beach with DGS.

    BBB OP ;-)
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Still some showers hanging around. I'll go for a hike tomorrow, when the weather is more reliable.

    Have a great day, all.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Morning,
    Need to drive DW to physical therapy this morning.
    Hope all went well with crowning, and you find fencing you want.
    Did the Kuhns find new appliances? when will they be delivered?
    Truth comes out with push to lose weight, heading to European clothing optional beach this weekend? Enjoy DGS, DS and DDIL.
    Hope Mary is having great weather at lake, and all setup complete.
    Dennis out with Brandy?
    Steph, is Ron better?
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • I'm off to see my Phys. Asst. this morning to review lab work.
    • I'm envious Lee. Sounds like a great trip. Tell the helicopter pilot I said hi.
    • I hope the dentist appt. went well Kelly. Bummer having to do it twice.
    • HVAC man coming today for check-up. I'm sure Mary will remind us how important preventative maintenance is.
    • Hopefully things are looking up for the Summer of Lou.
    • Have a great day BBB.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Morning all

  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,606 Member
    Good Afternoon

    All caught up with work after the holiday long weekend off.

    Need to unpack yet. Had a wonderful time with dgs.

    I'm sure you will too Lee. This is a fun age!

    My LG oven is blue inside Steph. I love the gas instead of electric also.

    Looks dry here through next weekend. Lake area had 7inches of rain last week. Lake level us up. Was down so this is good. I planted tomatoes and peppers in pots on the Homestead deck so glad it rained a bunch here on Sunday.

    Be well BBB

  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,149 Member
    Back to dentist. No numbing. I struggled thru it and it’s done. Praise God. Plenty of bourbon will help.

    Seriously spring here. Very cool. Can’t complain because I’ll be complaining in a month it’s too hot. Ha.

    Can’t wait to see Dave and Rita’s new appliances.