Sunday Cup of Joe - 6/9/24

lowbar31 Posts: 6,601 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
― Mark Twain


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,041 Member

    Up way too late.

  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,609 Member
    Good morning

    I'm packed, let's go home! NOW

    These 2 little mutts ruled my weekend and I don' t like it one bit. Couldn't do anything here, because they can't be trusted alone and they are not well trained. Woopdee do we ordered pizza for dinner with so many places to go to here... They bark at their own shadows and don't shut up . This is a dog owner problem. I know. Her truck stinks like smelly dog and is full of dog hair. Good lord !

    I'm out. Lets go home!

    Lol I'm done whining now.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,668 Member
    Good Morning,
    Sorry pups ruined trip Mary,
    Pablo has gotten more vocal and it is backfiring on him, was going to walk him around block this morning before church and he started pulling away, I turned us around and came back. Not going to fight him and he is not going to lead me. Knee still a little tender and shoulder cannot stand any pressure.
    Cannot stand car, truck or home that smells like dog.
    Had not eaten Mexican in several weeks, went last night up three pounds this morning.
    Hope Lee and Mary enjoying Spain along with DS, DDIL and DGS.
    Lou, what's planned for summer.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,967 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Taking care of last-minute stuff before we leave, tomorrow, for five days in Las Vegas. The new truck will get pulled into the garage, while the CRV is at airport parking. Going to be around 105 all week, down there. "But it's a dry heat." Yeah, right. But we never have to spend more than a few minutes outdoors before ducking back into the AC chill.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,668 Member
    Been Churched,
    Hope you and Rita have a great time and come back wealthy
    In our youth we enjoyed staying up late and sleeping into the day, in my old age I like to be in bed by 10 at the latest and for some unknown reason awake with the sun rise.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,601 Member
    edited June 9
    Good Sunday morning BBB Friends.
    • In the word of our renowned friend, I've been churched and schooled.
    • So Mary, how do you really feel about them mangy mutts? B)
    • I need to go shopping this afternoon for our Methodist Men's Breakfast tomorrow.
    • Viva Las Vegas. Enjoy!
  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,152 Member
    Up way too early

    Fence is done

    Mom and I went fishing. Caught a bunch of bass. She’s happy.