Monday Cup of Joe - 6/10/2024

louisstone Posts: 2,567 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
― Mark Twain


  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,567 Member
    Good morning.

    My parents' house was sold on Friday, I think the cough is gone, we went to A&M so she could see Brazil play Mexico in soccer, visited the site where the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed and went antiquing in Elgin. I need a day at work to recover.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,704 Member
    Mornin' BBB

    Got back home late last night. Jet lagged a bit. Miss my Baby Shark, but my oh my, was he a lot of work for the 'rents.
    Gonna have to rent more Cloud storage space for all the photos.
    Congrats on the sale of your parents' home, Lou. Almost painless.
    Had my laptop near an open window at our Airbnb in Spain and it appears that I have brought back some Spanish/African dirt that settled all over after a bit of a dust storm came across the Mediterranian heading North.

    BBB OP ;-)
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,967 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Last minute errands and check lists before we leave for our trip to Vegas, this afternoon. I'll drop Sassy off at the boarding kennel this morning.

    The forecast for Vegas, this week, has been revised. Instead of highs around 105 all week, they now predict 107 to 110. Lots of water and free alcohol-free beer in my future.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,668 Member
    Good Morning,
    Me and Pablo have been around block and out to subdivision entrance, most I've walked at one time in over a month. Knee is much better while shoulder seems to be getting worse, doctor will not see me till July.
    Hope you have help cooking and cleaning up Dennis; I've seen help is sometimes hit and miss.
    Nothing planned for today other than lodge tonight.
    Green beans are beginning to bloom as are peppers, wet weather has some herbs trying to take over beds.
    Mary, you going to get to enjoy lake this coming weekend?
    Lou, I can remember when a day at work seemed restful.
    Very humid today but temps should not get to 90.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Morning bbb

    Our condo is getting a new electric transformer today. Power ( and therefore water and internet) was scheduled to be off from 4am -2 pm. But it's 7:30 and still on. Hopefully it's still happening and they just don't need to cut power until later. We canceled our workout, rescheduled Ron's massage, made plans for breakfast out and are going to meet the lady that runs the youth center. I volunteered to do craft hour on Saturdays for 6 weeks and need to go scope out what supplies they have. But I won't complain I get hot coffee before we head out. Hopefully it will be on when we return this afternoon.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • Successful Methodist Men's breakfast. Fortunately, I had plenty of help this time.
    • Welcome home Lee. Sounds like you had a great trip.
    • Welcome home Cecilia. I can't believe Lou didn't tell me who won the match?!?
    • Enjoy your trip, Dave. Keep that emergency 20 in your wallet. B)
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,609 Member
    edited June 10
    Safe travels Dave and Rita! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for the Casinos money, bring lots of that back with you! Good Luck! Put something on 24Red I've never lost.

    Guess who thinks it'd be great to come to the lake with us for a couple days?! 10 legs would be involved.🙃

    DHs klan: of his ds, dd dsil and our 18mo old dgd are joining us at lake for sure Sat. to celebrate Fathers day. They may or may not stay over night. I think they want to check out our set up first to see if it will work for them. They are used to their grandparents, on Moms side, brick and motar lake home, that they can no longer use after going there, all their lives.... Their uncle out bid their mom last winter on the family estate lake home sale. He bought it and changed the locks. Sibling drama... Hmmmm. And other reason why we are working on a trust etc with our stuff.

    Great you will get some craft time in Steph, what a good idea!!! My lake craft is asking each visitor to paint, sign and date a rock to be added to our soon to be erected rock display in our gazebo. Picture a scrabble letter rack. I want dh to nail similar type shelves on the post inside the gazebo, to set the rocks up on.

    Lee how special are these grandkids! Fun! And a lot of work too, for sure! Ours are so close in age!

    Lou, sounds like a nice day with dw! Whats next for the Summer of Lou?

    Kelly, come to Wisconsin and go fishing with me!!!

    Dennis good to see you had help this morning!

    Skip, hope you are not too buried in work today! How's your back, what does the surgeon say?

    My ds1 is in Vegas today. He speaking at a conference there.
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,039 Member

    Up and OTD early (4a) to drive to NC for a quick work trip. Home Thursday. Tucker saw me packing last night and was in a bad mood this morning. He wouldn't do his business or eat breakfast. DW said he finally relinquished at 8a.

    Welcome home, Doc! Glad you had a great trek.

    Have fun, Rita/SGM!

  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,152 Member
    That’s hot in Vegas.

    Caught 12 bass and 2 bluegill. Or rather, that’s what we kept. I’d love to fish with you Mary!