Required Reading - Yes, there are some rules :)

deskjockey925 Posts: 4,971 Member
edited June 14 in Social Groups
The overriding expectations is that the first three of the behaviours or rules listed below must be met every day, and that every day you will keep the tally of pass days used up to date. NOTE: 3+ is fine when you go over the three allowed passes. When one or more behaviour is missed on a day, for any reason, that day is considered a Pass Day. In addition, each member must report in within three days of each day or notify one of the leaders that you'll be offline. If you have three or fewer pass days in the month, and you have made a post to account for every day, you should declare yourself to be a member of the coveted Winner's Circle! If you stick with us even after you hit three pass days and continue to post every day (which we sincerely hope you'll do), you should declare yourself to be a Champion!

Be honest. If you slip up, and especially if you hit three pass days and know you'll be out of the Winner's Circle, please choose to continue to be accountable for the month. All of this is done on the honour system.

The leaders do not check anyone’s food or activity diaries but their own. If you choose to "cheat", you will only be cheating yourself. 💡 The list of Winners is compiled in the final few days of the month by having the leaders review your declarations in response to the question of “champion or winner?” If you have not posted in the final two days of the month and have not contacted us to declare otherwise, you will not automatically be announced as a Winner or a Champion.


For the purposes of this challenge, exercise is an intentional and planned choice to be active for at least 20 minutes beyond your "run of the mill" day to day activities. Your intentional exercise could be chair yoga, intensive physiotherapy, running, swimming, aerobics, weight-lifting, dancing, vacuuming, washing windows, or anything else that gets your body moving beyond your general daily movement. This challenge requires you to be active every day for the entire month (and remember, only you can honestly define "active" for you.)


Set your calorie goal for the day, and don't exceed it. Eat at or below your planned calorie intake for each day for every day in the entire month. Go over what you planned, and it is considered a pass day. Some folks don't eat their exercise calories, some eat half, and some eat them all. The decision is yours -- because each decision is unique to each individual and their overall goals. If you have questions about this or want advice and insights, why not use the "What's On Your Mind?" thread to ask the other members? We guarantee that there will be someone in the group with experience and insights and you'll get responses!


Keep track of ALL caloric food and beverages consumed every day for the entire month. How you choose to track is up to you. Some use paper trackers or journals, some use MFP, and some use other online platforms. Use whatever works best for you. Skip a day and it is a pass day. Some member use My Fitness Pal for recording their caloric intake, some use other digital applications, and some use paper. It matters not. Just track and track honestly -- because the only person you can really "cheat" is yourself. Some folks fret about finding an "exact" match on their tracker and we encourage you to find the best possible match and if in doubt about a meal or snack when dining out, overestimate.


There are daily "Sign-in" threads for each and every day of this month. We all prefer if we can all post daily, but life happens. If, for any reason, you know that you will need to be offline for more than three days, please let the leaders know so that they can keep an eye out for you. Even if you are checking in only every three days, you still must account for every day of the month and keep your running tally of pass days used up to date. If you can only get to a computer once every three days, then you can post several days into one thread. (See #6 below). Every day of the month is listed in the "Discussions" section of this group -- please use the ones already created and don't make new discussion threads (it creates quite a confusion for everyone...)

You are allowed 3 "Pass" days for the month if you want to qualify for the Winner's Circle. If you are unable to complete one or more of the first three rules of the daily challenge for any reason (e.g., due to illness or any other circumstances), that day is considered a pass day. If you exceed three pass days, you are strongly encouraged to keep with the challenge will NOT BE OUT of the UAC (and please don't leave!). Those who use three or fewer days are crowned as "Winners" at the end.

NOTE: all members who join up until the 6th of the month are eligible to be considered for winner or champion status. Tracking of “pass days” begins on your first day of participation. So, if you join on February 5, you need not count the first four days as pass days. You start fresh on February 5. The group is set to “private” after the sixth of the month, and new members are welcome to join, but cannot attain champion or winner for that month.

If you need to use a pass day, simply report it in the sign in thread for that day. For example:

Date: (State the date)
Pass day used?: (Yes/No; and remember to state the running tally used: e.g., Used 3 days). You are welcome to share what did go well, or what challenged you -- but that is not required.


Please post using the following format (feel free to copy and paste):

Date: (State the date)
Exercised?: Yes or No (or emojis) are fine, but if you are comfortable, tell us what you did and for how long. It just makes it more interesting for your fellow group members!
Calories?: Yes or No
Tracked?: Yes or No
Number of pass days used?: 0, 1, 2, 3, 3+

You must account for every day of the month. Please post after your day is complete (that is, you've shut down the kitchen or finished your activity for the day).

If you can get to a computer only once every three days, you can post for several days on a single day's discussion post. Your posts should look something like this (whether they are posted on individual days or bundled on one day after the fact):

July 11
Exercised?: Yes. Walked outdoors for 25 minutes.
Calories?: Yes.
Tracked?: Yes.
Number of pass days used?: 2

July 12
Exercised?: Yes. 50 minute Aquafit class at our local pool
Calories?: No - over.
Tracked?: Yes.
Number of pass days used?: 3

July 13
Exercised?: No. Took a complete rest day.
Calories?: Yes — all good.
Tracked?: Yes, everything tracked.
Number of pass days used?: 3+

Please introduce yourself on the "Introductions" thread, and every once in a while, stop by and read it and the "What's on your mind today?" thread and let us know how you're doing or respond to someone who has posted there. Please note: you can only message a person on My Fitness Pal if you are already "friends" with them. Otherwise, they will not see anything you send them through the message function. So why not invite someone to be your friend?!? You can always use the "Quote" function at the bottom of every post in this group to copy what someone previously wrote and then respond to it.

Please do NOT open new daily (or other) threads in the Discussion area ... they will be deleted. Discussions are set up as one post per day of the month. Announcements are also logically organised. If you have questions they can be asked in What's on your mind today?

Good luck to each and every one of us!
