Team Monthly Challenges (Goals) for July 2024

316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
Team Monthly Challenges (Goals) for July 2024

Congratulations Team for the Fantastic Job in completing your Monthly Goals for June! Well Done.

Hope you will join me for this next New Month of July. Let’s Finish Strong Together.

For the Month of July we are looking at what the Centre’s and Disease Control says about Senior’s Fitness!

I encourage you to try as many of the the Following Exercises below and or any of the Fitness Video’s I have included.

Moderate physical activity may benefit seniors’ overall health. You can incorporate activities like walking and aerobics with strength training exercises.

If you’re an older adult looking to establish an exercise routine, you should, ideally, be able to incorporate 150 minutes of moderate endurance activity into your week. This can include walking, swimming, cycling, and a little bit of time every day to improve strength, flexibility, and balance.

The Centers for Disease Control suggest this amount of time for generally fit Americans aged 65 and older. Even though this sounds like a lot, the good news is that you can break it down into 10- or 15-minute chunks of exercise two or more times a day. Here’s an example of what a week might look like, along with suggestions for some exercises you can do to get started!

8 full body chair exercises

This full body routine from Wickham includes exercises that you can do either seated or standing. It also includes weighted exercises with light dumbbells or hand weights.

Doing exercises from a standing position can help improve balance, but if your mobility is limited, you may find it easier to do them seated.

Let’s Get Started: If you don’t have Dumb Bells-Hand Weights you can use Large Soup-Veggie Tins for Weights! 😃


1. For a standing warmup, stand next to a chair. Only place your hand on the back of the chair if you need it for balance.
2. March in place for 30 to 60 seconds.
3. Then, do 30 seconds of arm circles.

Please Note: You can also perform the sequence of marching and arm circles while seated.

Dumbbell curls

1. Either sitting or standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Bend your elbows, bringing the dumbbells up to your shoulders while keeping your elbows by your sides.
3. Perform 12 repetitions.
4. If you need the chair for balance while in a standing position, do single-arm curls, using your nonworking hand to balance on the chair.

Dumbbell overhead press

1. Either sitting or standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Move the dumbbells to shoulder height. This is your starting position.
3. Raise your arms overhead as high as possible, then return to the starting position.
4. Perform 12 repetitions.

Side bend holds

1. Sit in a chair or stand next to one.
2. Straighten your arms overhead as high as possible.
3. Squeeze the muscles on the side of your torso, bending to one side. Continue to contract these muscles for 5 seconds.
4. Return to the starting position, then side bend to the other side.
5. Hold this contraction for 5 seconds.
6. Perform 5 repetitions per side.

Squats with chair support

1. Stand in front of a chair, holding the top of it for support.
2. Move down into a squat position by pushing your hips backward and bending your knees. Focus on keeping a straight back, and keep your chest up.
3. Try to go as low as you can, with the goal of your upper leg being parallel to the ground.
4. Stand up and repeat.
5. Perform 10 repetitions.

Chair squats

1. Sit in a chair with your back straight and your arms at your sides.
2. Drive your heels and the middle of your feet down into the ground as you stand up tall. Be sure to keep your chest upright.
3. Lower into a squat position by bending at your hips, pushing your hips backward, and bending your knees until you have sat back down in the chair.
4. Perform 10 repetitions.

Standing lateral hip raises with chair support

1. Stand up tall, holding on to the top of a chair for support.
2. Lift one leg straight out to the side. You should feel the muscles in the side of your hip contracting.
3. Keep your leg as high as possible while continuing to stand up straight. Try not to lean over to the side. Hold this position for a few seconds.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat.
5. Perform 10 repetitions per leg.

Heel raises while holding on to a chair

1. Stand up tall, holding on to the top of a chair for support. Your feet should be about 6 inches apart.
2. Push the balls of your feet into the ground as you lift your heels as high as possible, contracting your calf muscles.
3. Hold at the top for 3 seconds, then slowly lower back down.
4. Perform 10 repetitions.

Standing hip extensions with chair support

1. Stand up tall, holding on to the top of a chair for support.
2. Bend your right knee. Squeeze your right glute muscle and extend your right leg backward. Focus on not arching your low back while you do this. This may feel like a small amount of movement, but you should feel your glute engaging.
3. Hold for 3 seconds, then return to the starting position.
5. Perform 10 repetitions per leg.

Tips for limited mobility

If mobility issues prevent you from completing seated or standing exercises, there are ways to modify the moves and still benefit from doing the exercise. Wickham recommends performing the exercise using a shortened range of motion.

For example, if you experience pain, shoulder mobility restrictions, or both with the dumbbell overhead press, don’t lift your arms all the way overhead. Instead, only go three-quarters or half the way up, or as high as feels comfortable for you.

“It’s normal to have mobility restrictions, especially as you age due to years of poor posture and sitting,” says Wickham. Listen to your body and start a flexibility and mobility routine in combination with your workouts.

The bottom line

Staying physically fit is essential for all of us, and our needs can change as we get older.

Participating in an exercise program that accommodates limited mobility can help keep you active and improve strength and range of motion.

Let’s Stay Active Together! Remember a Little Exercise Daily Improves our Overall Health!

Let’s Keep the Sparkle ❇️ and Shine 💖 On Together!

Suggestions for you to Follow for Team Goals # 1 and # 2. Or you are most welcome to use your own plan!

Team Goal # 1

- aim to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day
- Track your calories per day
- Eat at least 5 to 8 servings of fresh fruits and veggies per day
- Eat at least 25 grams of Fibre per day

Team Goal # 2

- Set a goal in how much weight you want to lose
- Focus on Cardio at least 5 days a week at least 30 minutes or more per day
- Aim to Strength Train 3 days a week at least 25 minutes or more per session

Besides the Step by Step Routines above for Standing or Sitting Exercises I have also included the Fitness Video Links for you to follow along in your Daily Workouts!

spark people with Coach Nicole

Jackie Tally using arms and legs

Jackie Tally chicken fat chair fitness

Hope to see you for the Month of July as we Aim to Improve our Overall Health!

God Bless
From your Friend and Team Leader


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    Good Morning Everyone
    Happy Canada Day from my Home to Your Homes!

    Welcome Back for July’s Team Goals!

    I am back for another month of working on my Fitness and Nutrition. As you can see I have shared some new Fitness Exercises with you above using Hand Held Weights and providing Step by Step directions. The exercises can be done sitting or standing.

    I am working on Dumbbell curls, and Side Bends using Hand Held Weights! This will increase my Strength and for Cardio will follow the Fitness Video’s to increase my Heart Rate and my overall Body function!

    Let me know what you are going to do. I am excited about this month of Team Goals!

    Hope to see you onboard!
    Let’s Keep the Sparkle ❇️ and Shine On 💖

    Week 1 Fruits Veggies

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍏🥬
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,506 Member
    Week #1 Transportation

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🚴🏇
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Thursday Julu 4 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Sunday July 7 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • misslorij3440
    misslorij3440 Posts: 5,437 Member
    My goals this month for food-meet my macro standards.
    My fitness goals-70-90 mins. Cardio and Strength exercises daily.

    Mon. ✔️✔️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    Week 1 Fruits Veggies

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍏🥬
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🌶🥔
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,506 Member
    Week #1 Transportation

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🚴🏇
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛹🚍
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Thursday Julu 4 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Sunday July 7 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • misslorij3440
    misslorij3440 Posts: 5,437 Member
    My goals this month for food-meet my macro standards.
    My fitness goals-70-90 mins. Cardio and Strength exercises daily.

    Mon. ✔️✔️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    edited July 3
    That’s great Lori, keep up the great work, as always I’m cheering 📣 you on your journey! 👍

    As for me, I am working on Dumbbell curls, and Side Bends using Hand Held Weights! This will increase my Strength and for Cardio will follow the Fitness Video’s to increase my Heart Rate and my overall Body function!

    Week 1 Fruits Veggies

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍏🥬
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🌶🥔
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,506 Member
    I will be doing more strength training and continue going to the gym 3X per week for cardio.

    Week #1 Transportation

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🚴🏇
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛹🚍
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛴🦽
    Thursday Julu 4 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Sunday July 7 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • misslorij3440
    misslorij3440 Posts: 5,437 Member
    Mon. ✔️✔️
    Weds. ✔️✔️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    Thank you Linda for letting me know.

    Week 1 Fruits Veggies

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍏🥬
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🌶🥔
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 very light stretching as I was at treatment; 🍎🥕
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • misslorij3440
    misslorij3440 Posts: 5,437 Member
    Mon. ✔️✔️
    Weds. ✔️✔️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,506 Member
    I will be doing more strength training and continue going to the gym 3X per week for cardio.

    Week #1 Transportation

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🚴🏇
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛹🚍
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛴🦽
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2 🐎⛷️
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Sunday July 7 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    Week 1 Fruits Veggies

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍏🥬
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🌶🥔
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 very light stretching as I was at treatment; 🍎🥕
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2 🥗🥑
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,506 Member

    Week #1 Transportation

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🚴🏇
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛹🚍
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛴🦽
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2 🐎⛷️
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛻🚜
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Sunday July 7 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • misslorij3440
    misslorij3440 Posts: 5,437 Member
    Mon. ✔️✔️
    Weds. ✔️✔️
    Fri. ✔️✔️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    Good Job Everyone, Keep up the Great work!
    Let’s Keep the Sparkle ❇️ and Shine on 💖

    Week 1 Fruits Veggies

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍏🥬
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🌶🥔
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 very light stretching as I was at treatment; 🍎🥕
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2 🥗🥑
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍇🍆
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    Good Job Everyone, we have now completed our 1st Week! You have Finished Strong!
    Let’s Keep the Streak and aim for a Strong 2nd Week! As always I Stand with you Cheering 📣you on your journey.
    Let’s Keep the Sparkle ❇️ and Shine on 💖

    Week 1 Fruits Veggies

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍏🥬
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🌶🥔
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 very light stretching as I was at treatment; 🍎🥕
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2 🥗🥑
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍇🍆
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2 🍠🥦
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,506 Member
    Week #1 Transportation

    Monday July 1 Team Goals 1 and 2 🚴🏇
    Tuesday July 2 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛹🚍
    Wednesday July 3 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛴🦽
    Thursday July 4 Team Goals 1 and 2 🐎⛷️
    Friday July 5 Team Goals 1 and 2 🛻🚜
    Saturday July 6 Team Goals 1 and 2 🚄🚃
  • misslorij3440
    misslorij3440 Posts: 5,437 Member
    Mon. ✔️✔️
    Weds. ✔️✔️
    Fri. ✔️✔️
    Sat. ✔️✔️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,562 Member
    Good Job Everyone! 👍

    You completed Week 1 and Finished Strong! Cheering 📣 you on for another Great Week ahead!
    Let’s Keep the Sparkle ❇️ and Shine on 💖

    Week 2 All Green

    Sunday July 7 Team Goals 1 and 2 🧤🐢
    Monday July 8 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Tuesday July 9 Team Hoals 1 and 2
    Wednesday July 10 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Thursday July 11 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Friday July 12 Team Goals 1 and 2
    Saturday July 13 Team Goals 1 and 2