I want some friends! Introduce yourself

DawnDenee Posts: 11 Member
I'm really missing the "me" I was for a short while. To be clear, I weighed 11lbs at birth and I was a month premature so I have never been "little". I weighed 210lbs the day I graduated high school and had blown up to about 275 by the time I we in my early 30's. I had a sugar test done at a work health event when I was about 36 and it showed my sugar was high. I wasn't diabetic but it was enough to scare me and make be rethink my life. I began by walking on every single lunch break then counting calories. I started losing and eventually took up running...or what I like to call wogging due to my slow speed haha! By the end of that journey I was down to 182lbs and felt glorious. I completed four half marathons and then forgot all the rules. The weight started sneaking back up and then COVID blew everything out of the water. When I was 40 I weighed 182 and now here I sit at 51 weighing 253.4 as of this morning. When I lost all that weight before I was around other active people on my same journey and it helped me tremendously. I'm hoping to make some new friends who would like to travel with me now, on this new journey. I'd love to hear from you!