Tuesday Cuppa Joe: 8.20.24

DocSkippy Posts: 7,202 Member
Good morning BBB! Sip your favorite morning brew and settle in…its time for morning roll-call!

"....I like my dog. I like beer. And maybe 3 people." ~Skip 🐾🍺🐾🍺🐾


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,202 Member
    • Welcome to the new BBB'r! 😂. Seriously, good to hear things went well in WI and DS is settled in!
    • Busy day ahead. 2nd interview for a continuity role; and a long azz HOA work session from 3-6.
    • Builder here today too, to replace warped floor in my basement office. I wish I could say this builder has been fun to work with....but I'd be lying.
    • Packing tonight to hit road early a/m for beach. Ready for the break.
    • Hope DMIL improves, Sam!
    • I hope Rita is splurging on something nice for herself (or DGKs). I think of something entirely different when I read escort and casino in the same sentence. Back me up here, Lou!

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,761 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • What am I doing up this early?
    • Off to Emmaus Reunion group
    • I hope to spend a little time on the motorbike today. The weather is perfect.
    • Have a good day BBB, stay cool Lou.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,131 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    DW put most of her windfall into a 15-month CD, so any splurging will be deferred. She was a finance and accounting major in college and is all about maximizing returns.

    It's raining here in Tumwater. I hope to get in a bike ride between showers, after I drop the CRV off at the body shop. Kind of unusual weather for this time of year. More like late September.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,796 Member
    I know I posted here this morning?
    Congrats to Rita!
    I'm back from cardiologist, good report and do not have to go back for a year.
    Physical therapy in morning, I'm spending way too much time with medical stuff.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,667 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Almost perfect weather here, but it's going back to humid and hot later and into weekend .

    Our Pontoon Boat is fixed $322 later. Could've been way worse. Dh will get it Sat a.m. and launch it asap, so we can ride this weekend.

    Bought some fresh turkey tenderloin on sale at Aldi and grilled it. Very good! Using it on salads or in a high protein wrap.

    What beach are you vacationing at Skip?

    Yay for your good dr report Sam!

    Rita is a smart gambler!

    Enjoy your day BBB!

  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,978 Member
    Hi all

    I feel like i posted this morning too. Shrug.

    We had yoga then Mexican train domino's today then an afternoon of a bike race. It's the last of the big tours for the year. We are routing for different riders which makes it fun.

    I really need to do a pantry inventory. We move in about 3 weeks and I hate moving too many groceries. It's just way easier to use up beforehand and go shopping at the new place.