Weight No More Team Chat - September 2024



  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 219 Member
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,487 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    Just because I want to share:
    I did a 4 mile virtual race this morning. 😀
    I’m very happy I did it.

    @daria0919 - That's wonderful! Was the race through a particular app, or online group?
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,679 Member
    Well done @daria0919 :)
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,027 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    Just because I want to share:
    I did a 4 mile virtual race this morning. 😀
    I’m very happy I did it.

    @daria0919 - That's wonderful! Was the race through a particular app, or online group?

    @minstrelofsarcasm it was an in person women’s only race this past Saturday, with a virtual option. I was planning on running it in person but a combination of having a biopsy done on a suspicious mole on my thigh Wednesday which left an oozing and painful gouge in my thigh and the extra hot/humid weather that crept in for that weekend had me decide to switch to the virtual option which bought me a few days for the wound to heal somewhat plus the temperature was more reasonable this morning. I still mostly walked it and jogged some, but happy I did it.
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 398 Member
    @daria doesn’t it just feel great when you surprise yourself? I’ve been doing that for a couple of days. Walking is hopefully back on my schedule
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 208 Member
    Steps week ending Sept 1. I missed my 10k goal this week, but such is life. I’ve changed my workout program and the weather is cooler, so my steps should go back up again.

    Sun- 11,849
    Mon - 10,263
    Tues - 9,689
    Wed - 6,353
    Thurs - 9,847
    Fri - 7,642
    Sat - 14,352

    Total - 69,995
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    mnsmov15 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I got back Sunday, and am ready to jump back in! I would like to set a goal of 11k steps/day for September. Will continue my weigh-in to be Wednesdays. I will update my weight on 9/4

    @mnsmov15 - Excellent! Welcome back! I have you back on the weight-loss team. The last weight I have from you is 148.4, do you want a different starting weight for this month?

    Thank you!

    Got my initial weigh-in, very glad to know that I maintained it so far! Yes, I want to be on the weight loss team again! starting weight 148.1. weight goal for Sept 146lbs. Weigh in day wednesday
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,487 Member
    edited September 4
    @mnsmov15 just inspired me to create a new mini-goal for myself, since I have fallen off the wagon with creating smaller goals on the road to my larger ones. By the end of September, I would love to be at or below 183 lbs (again). I miss seeing my numbers starting with a 17-. While my summer adventures have slowed tremendously, I might as well take advantage and focus more on self control.

    Anyone else want to make a goal for September?
    I can track it in the monthly spreadsheet if you want an extra bit of motivation.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,027 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm my mini goal for September is to get into the 180s. I can’t seem to get back down there. I touched upon it once several months ago. Now I’ve been in the mid to low 190s for quite some time.
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 398 Member
    My mini goal is to lose 4lbs by September 30th
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 208 Member
    Can I change my weigh-in day to Wednesday?

    PW: 204.4
    CW: 205.4
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,679 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm my mini goal is to get below 75 kg/165 lb.

    This week, my weight has been:
    M 77.5, T 77.4, W 77.2
    But, I was at 76.5 at the weekend.
  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 610 Member
    PW: 246.0
    CW: 245.5

    It is a small loss, but still a loss. Stay motivated Team!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,487 Member
    Can I change my weigh-in day to Wednesday?

    @Jensmakingprogress - Absolutely, I'll change that for you right now.

    @BodyTalking - Do you want me to use any of your weights from the rest of the week, or would you rather I just use your Sunday weigh-in, since that's your weigh-day?
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 398 Member
    Not making my food and exercise goals today,because I skipped exercise as my back was telling me not to, so decided to make today my total fail day and have a cheat cake and only have one fail day.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,679 Member
    @BodyTalking - Do you want me to use any of your weights from the rest of the week, or would you rather I just use your Sunday weigh-in, since that's your weigh-day?

    Just use my Sunday weigh in number. I'm just observing the fluctuations as I'd never weighed every day before.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,679 Member
    Hi Darren 👋😁 @19shmoo69 You're always a great support.
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 219 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm I’d like to set a mini goal of getting to 199.8 by the end of September! I keep teetering between 200-205. Tomorrow’s weigh in is going to be rough after this week so I need the extra push lol
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,411 Member
    My mini goal is to lose 4lbs by September 30th

    I think this is my goal, too.
This discussion has been closed.