Walk me through it



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I went to the intro last night. I almost had a panic attack walking in the box- it's HUGE (and they are expanding), people were sprinting outside to the inside and doing all sorts of crazy exercises, music was blasting, everyone was super fit and knew what they were doing. It was everything that's always intimidated me about working out. I literally had tears in my eyes but I stayed.

    The trainer was amazing, he scaled everything to my level without embarrassing me or making a big deal about it. My brain has been wired for the past chunk of years to constantly say 'I can't' or 'you can't do that, you're too fat/out of shape/unathletic/lazy' and those thoughts were lurking close the whole time but I really listened to what the trainer was saying and started to feel like maybe I can this time, maybe I can so I actually tried really hard at everything we did. At the end the trainer sat down and talked to us about life changes, being the best we can be, how everyone starts somewhere and crossfit believes everyone is an athlete in some way, and living a better life in general. It wasn't preaching and I didn't feel like I was being lectured, it really sank in. My legs were jello and I'm sore today but not as bad as I thought I would be. I'm going back Monday to start the onramp classes. This is so outside anything I've ever done but I'm going to try it. Thank you all for being encouraging and giving me enough insight to actually take the first step.

    I think you were lucky enough to get an excellent trainer.

    I'm about 3 months in and the changes both physically and mentally are really amazing. I honestly feel like I'm better and more focused at my job because of Crossfit.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    There's a t-shirt in CrossFit that says "Better Than Yesterday". It's true. Just keep going and you will astound yourself! Also remember you are there for YOU, no one else. Don't worry about the rest of the class. You may feel a bit lost the first week or two until you learn where everything is and the routine of the gym. Everything comes in time.

    Do you know anyone selling them? Would love to order one but struck out on my first Google Search.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I went to the intro last night. I almost had a panic attack walking in the box- it's HUGE (and they are expanding), people were sprinting outside to the inside and doing all sorts of crazy exercises, music was blasting, everyone was super fit and knew what they were doing. It was everything that's always intimidated me about working out. I literally had tears in my eyes but I stayed.

    The trainer was amazing, he scaled everything to my level without embarrassing me or making a big deal about it. My brain has been wired for the past chunk of years to constantly say 'I can't' or 'you can't do that, you're too fat/out of shape/unathletic/lazy' and those thoughts were lurking close the whole time but I really listened to what the trainer was saying and started to feel like maybe I can this time, maybe I can so I actually tried really hard at everything we did. At the end the trainer sat down and talked to us about life changes, being the best we can be, how everyone starts somewhere and crossfit believes everyone is an athlete in some way, and living a better life in general. It wasn't preaching and I didn't feel like I was being lectured, it really sank in. My legs were jello and I'm sore today but not as bad as I thought I would be. I'm going back Monday to start the onramp classes. This is so outside anything I've ever done but I'm going to try it. Thank you all for being encouraging and giving me enough insight to actually take the first step.

    Hooray! Good for you!
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I made it through on-ramp and last night we did a WOD and I got through it. It's harder than I thought and not as hard as I thought in so many ways. I'm terrified to take a real class, our box in a couple weeks away from expanding to triple the size and classes are maxing out at almost 30 people in a small space and I'm so worried about being in the way, not knowing where to find equipment and holding everyone back.

    Things I've learned:
    -so much of this is mental, as soon as I think I can't I can't and I get scared and fail
    -I can do it, I am getting stronger, no one is going to shame me for where I am now
    -I need to take care of myself outside working out, sleep and eating are big ones

    I'm signing up for 3 times a week and plan on sticking to it. I'm already anxious about my first class with a new trainer who doesn't know where I am but I bet she'll figure it out when running the 400 and I'm slower than the people walking to their cars!

    Oh, and I've gained weight :( I have about 50 lbs to lose and thought I'd at least drop a couple pounds, I guess it takes time and I need to tighten up the eating.

    Again, thank you all for the support, when I started to entertain the idea of skipping a class I told myself I needed to report back to you all and I didn't want to say I wussed out.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I made it through on-ramp and last night we did a WOD and I got through it. It's harder than I thought and not as hard as I thought in so many ways. I'm terrified to take a real class, our box in a couple weeks away from expanding to triple the size and classes are maxing out at almost 30 people in a small space and I'm so worried about being in the way, not knowing where to find equipment and holding everyone back.

    Things I've learned:
    -so much of this is mental, as soon as I think I can't I can't and I get scared and fail
    -I can do it, I am getting stronger, no one is going to shame me for where I am now
    -I need to take care of myself outside working out, sleep and eating are big ones

    I'm signing up for 3 times a week and plan on sticking to it. I'm already anxious about my first class with a new trainer who doesn't know where I am but I bet she'll figure it out when running the 400 and I'm slower than the people walking to their cars!

    Oh, and I've gained weight :( I have about 50 lbs to lose and thought I'd at least drop a couple pounds, I guess it takes time and I need to tighten up the eating.

    Again, thank you all for the support, when I started to entertain the idea of skipping a class I told myself I needed to report back to you all and I didn't want to say I wussed out.

    You're certainly not the only one feeling anxious, I promise!!!! I think weight gain is pretty standard for the first few weeks (maybe even longer). Did you take pictures/measurements. There's a good chance that your 50lb goal will change once you get down about 25lbs on the scale, but are in a smaller size then you ever were at 50lbs lighter than you are now. It's pretty crazy the difference between just losing weight and losing fat and the more muscle you have, the more fat you'll burn! Also, class size of 30 sounds WAY too big! I hope they'll have 2 or more trainers per class??? If not, you may want to look for another box. Our max class size on weekdays is about 15.