Roll Call ~ Tuesday 10/15/24

manladdvm Posts: 8,945 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,296 Member
    Good morning!

    I overdid it (again) yesterday. Today I will take it a bit easier. I still don't have that lattice work done under the deck, but I am getting closer. I had to take a break in the afternoon because Connie had made a vet visit for our cat and I had to take the cat to that. The cat will be 13 next month. She has an eye thing going on. I have drops to give her. Another $252 flies out the window!

    We are finally getting fall weather, but the temps will be working back up to 80 over the next few days. Not a drop of rain so far this month. We are down over 7 inches for the year.

    Have a great day!
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,945 Member
    Hope everyone had a happy Indigenous Peoples Day. I for one, busted my butt at work.
    A problem has arisen among my staff. Paralysis by over analysis. This is being fostered by the practice manager who leans towards over analysis and over complication of all things. Then when she isn't there (she had yesterday off), I get to deal the paralysis and I have no patience for over complicating things.
    I think I'm officially a grouchy old man.
    I do believe that to graduate with a degree in Physical Therapy, you have to minor in masochism.
    Have I administered the proper platitudes about the ousting of the Royals by the Yankees? If not, I will say the Royals were darn scary, and their turnaround from last year was impressive.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,571 Member
    We had frost here last night, after the rain cleared at sunset and we were treated to a spectacular double rainbow. Brought my plants inside.

    Planned on attending bible study this morning but I think I’m giving DD a ride to her mom’s house, who’s recovering from the pacemaker procedure.

    Time to brew the java.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,689 Member
    Good Morning

    We are heading to Oakland Airport to catch a short flight down to Ontario to spend 3 days in SCal for old times sake. Not too many firm plans for this visit, just some ideas. It will be good to get away from the house circus. Yesterday she had to chop a day off the big 3 day open house since they still haven't finished up yet. Weather is now running in the 70's both here and down in Claremont where we are headed.

    Lee, Hang in there. Perhaps they are trying to speed your aging process and get you on Medicare quicker so you can retire.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,206 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I haven't watched a baseball game that didn't include the Mariners since Albert Pujols was a Cardinal.

    I'll try to get into the shop for a while today. Yesterday I made a base section for our artificial Christmas tree. We have a large tree we bought at Costco a dozen years ago. Several years back Rita decided the tree was too tall so she stopped using the base section. That required me to make a wooden section to connect the tree to the stand. The one I made then put a slight lean to the tree that bugged Rita. I machined the new one more carefully. Today I think I'll make some tiny Christmas trees to sell at the craft fair in a month.