Roll call ~ Friday, Oct. 18, 2024

mikehikemike Posts: 3,575 Member
Rise and shine, men.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,950 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    Impressive family history, Bob. Great memories for sure.
    Yesterday was interesting. It started with the morning discovery that a bear had destroyed my training pigeon coop and feasted on the squished pigeons during the night. Thankfully there were birds to buy at training when I got there. Training took forever because of 4 newbie dogs, 2 of which had no business being at our training session because the owner/handler had not done any home foundation work with the dogs. We call that the "Montessori school of dog training", where owners just let the dogs train themselves, or not. Then they come to a training day with serious bunch of field trialers with highly trained dogs competing at the highest level with dogs that won't even retrieve a shot bird.
    This is my second rant about yesterday's training and am on my third cup of coffee.
    Hope Pablo got pretty and drained of his super natural energy.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,300 Member
    Good morning!

    Frankie let me sleep in until 6 this morning.

    We have a guy coming by between 8-10 to look for critters in our attic. He is going to try to sell us new insulation because we just had insulation put in last year, but they put the new on top of the old rather than get rid of the old. It is common and cost effective. He is saying that allergens are still there in the old. He is probably right, but he won't sell us new insulation.

    Connie wants to do something later today. I'm not sure what that will look like.

    Bob, you have wonderful memories.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,575 Member
    Bears have shown up in nearby Worcester recently, city of 150,000+ people. Does homeowner insurance cover wildlife damage to pigeon coops?

    Watched a documentary on Mt. Washington last night, included bicycle races up the autoroad. I once tried to bike up our 500' Mt. Wachusett and gave up halfway. Should get my bike out though, before the snow and ice arrive--good exercise.

    Have been getting out for a walk every day this week. Feels good.

    Onward and downward...
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,213 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I love reading the family stories.

    Rant away, Lee. That's why we're here.

    I went fishing after all, yesterday. I was skunked. I had one bite in four hours and lost that one without seeing it. Fish were there, jumping every few minutes - just not interested in what I was offering. Had fun anyway.

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,692 Member
    Good Morning

    We made it home last night with a little drama. Interesting reading Bob's comments in Claremont. Bob, Heather's family home was also on 11th but about over on Oxford on the other side of Indian Hil Road. We visited all the family homes while we were there. We found the little home they moved into when the emigrated from Canada in the early 60's down in Pomona, the big house on 11th and up into the hills for condo the retired to for several years. Yesterday was dreary so we stayed local, went to the graveyard again and the flood of memories was wearing on us knowing we were actually leaving for Oregon. We went up to Alf Museum of Palentology Bob mention since Heather had no idea it even existed. A really nice museum. As a bonus it turns out one of Heather's girlhood friends was married in the chapel on the campus. We had been wondering exactly where that had been. It was a beautiful setting.

    House has hit the market, inspection had nothing major. We are going down to see the finished product this morning. The listing says they are doing the open house tonight as well as Sat & Sun. Who knows.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,862 Member
    DW signed up with AT&T high speed fiber internet, they claimed we would see 30% faster, nope much slower.
    Took DMIL to vote this morning, she had no clue as to who was running; pole worker finally was able to get who she did not want to vote for.
    Temps warming but still no rain in forecast