Roll Call ~ Saturday 10/19/24

manladdvm Posts: 8,955 Member
Mornin' gents


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,955 Member
    edited October 19
    First day of pheasant season in CT, for what it is. Shooting stocked pheasant, much like fishing for stocked trout, stoopid crowds and stoopid birds on stocking day, but more like hunting after the survivors have been running around for a couple of days and fewer idiots in the field. I for one, am making my contribution by delivering birds for stocking and then beating feet to a field trial without the girls. I will be the field trial marshal. Marshals are usually women, but I am going to get in touch with my feminine side today. The girls will not be happy they are being left behind.
    Sciatic issue has almost resolved. Still aware, but am able to get comfortable in bed now.
    Steve, I am still awed by your 27 degree morning this past week. Your neck of the woods sees some serious temperature swings.
    Sam, the political parties now have special consideration in their campaigns for the DMIL demographic and trying to make it easier for them to vote.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,301 Member
    Good morning!

    Frankie woke me at 5:00 this morning. We have gone 25 days now without rain. Maybe up to .1 inch on Monday? We are in a severe drought.

    I want to get out and do something with Connie today, but I don't know what that looks like.

    The cat is on my lap and pawing at my arms as I type. I'll show her. I'll give her an eye drop med, and she will be off my lap in an instant.

    Lee, it sounds like you have a fun day planned!

    Mike, I have not ridden my bike in several weeks, either.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,576 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    Got out for an interesting hike yesterday, an area I didn't know existed right in the next town. I thought I had explored all the hiking trails and nature preserves in the county, but I keep finding new ones. Started in forest, then meandered by a big pond (sm. lake) then up through some meadows. Foliage still dazzling orange and yellow though some have dropped all their leaves. Dang quail keep startling me when I walk through the woods.

    Lee, enjoy being marshall for the day.

    Yet another clear, sunny day. Supposed to go up to 70 today. No rain in sight till next week, I think we're in a drought now too.

    Onward and downward.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,215 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Rita spent a couple hours grooming Sassy, yesterday, then we both worked with her to clean out her ear. That involved my holding Sassy's head and speaking calmingly to her, while Rita swabbed out the black gunk that had built up. We gave her some special treats after we were done.

    Stormy night last night. Lots of wind and rain. The backyard is now covered with fronds from the neighbor's cedar trees.

    Want to finish up a natural-edge walnut bowl I have on the lathe, then do some more demolition on my old recliner. I have the mechanical parts and the two arms remaining to cut up. We have the smallest trash can they provide and we rarely fill it, so that is my target: get enough chunks to fill the trash can.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,693 Member
    Good Morning

    Though temps are cooler we are in the high alert season for wildfires. Last serious rain was a good 5 mos ago, which is typical. Everything is dry and the high winds only need an ignition source. Yesterday the a fire got going in the Oakland hills burning a couple homes. Today it is 33 years since the famous Oakland firestorm killed 25 and destroyed over 3000 homes. Its only October but I sure wish the rainy season would come early this year. Open house last night drew 3 of our neighbors. But the website is up and the house is open this weekend. Hopefully she will see some traffic. Today we are off to a youth soccer game for a young girl my wife has had in school and babysat for when her grandparents weren't able to do so anymore. Should be fun. Not much else planned since the house is done. We will likely go for a walk after the game since it is at the Sports Park which has a path around it. My back has been a bit stiff. I am going to try stretching it.

    Lee, why would the marshals usually be women?
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,955 Member
    Marshalling requires a lot of chatter on the radio and bossing people around.