Sunday Cup of Joe - 10/20/24

lowbar31 Posts: 6,855 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Yogi Berra


  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,868 Member
    Good Morning,
    Pablo has had his morning walk,
    Now to get ready for church, then charge conference to vote on spending several million to turn horse arena into church building.
    Dawgs showed up last night in Austin, number 5 Dawgs beat number 1 Longhorns.
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,296 Member
    • Late night watching Yanks and Frogs.
    • DW walked/fed Tucker this morning and brought me coffee in bed. #LifeIsGood
    • Another sunny day on tap.....I smell a brewery drive in our future.

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,964 Member
    Mornin' BBB

    Congrats to Georgia fans.
    Yanks are in the world series. Rooting for the Mets now.
    Doinking around the house today.

    BBB OP ;-)
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,296 Member
    DOC.....this is a "G" Rated Forum! Haaaaa

    WTH is "doinking" (a cross between drinking and boinking?)
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,221 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Let's see, I sports hate the Yankees, Mets and Dodgers, so who do I root for? Glad there is college football in my world.

    Woke at 3:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Going to be a long day.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,964 Member
    I dunno...a friend says it all the time for doing nothing much
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,703 Member
    Good morning !

    Fun Saturday into night with dgs & co. at the pumpkin farm. Got lots of steps in and back here for dinner and carving. I put some photos on fb.

    Today is likely last of the sunny 70s. I have to get My azzoutside to cut back gardens. No more excuses... uggh dread. Im just not into gardening much this year.

    Since a few of you have been talking wl, ive been thinking I want to share something with you, my bbb friends... So here it goes... I've been quiet about this til now. You all know my struggles, I've gained and lost the same 10lbs, and more and more, since my Graves Disease and then thyroidectomy back in 2016. Ive rejoined ww 10x, did noom, tracking MFP, all have helped but not enough. I have a weight problem and have my whole life, especially since having my kids 35-40yrs ago. I can't seem to lose weight and keep it off. Every year I lose and regain more. But my health was pretty good given my obesity. Until last year, I now had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, elevated blood sugar (boarderline), high cholesterol, aches and pains etc. Aging on top of it !

    So, here's my "Confession from a fat girl": I've been under the care, since July 1, 16 weeks ago, with our top medical professional "team" at the top hospital here, as a patient in their weightloss specialty clinic. One last ditch effort to lose this weight, without bariatric surgery intervention. Yeap, that has been discussed. But, I just don't want to go that route. I dont think that is for me. Not yet. My new team now consists of top docs "specializing in obesity"; they are endocrinologists, pulmonary docs, obesity dietitians, a pharmacist and I get some PT and MT. They all "specialize in obesity" together treating the patient together, and the related health issues, diseases that come with obesity. At their recommendation, in leiu of opposed wl surgery, Ive decided to take their suggestion, to try a wl medication called Zepbound. Different somewhat from the more common wl drugs being offered. This one is used for folks with life long big extreme bmi's. Thats me. I'm managing the meds extremely well and sticking to my food and exercise plan.
    As of today, since July 1 I've lost 34lbs. I havent lost this much weight in a long time. My blood pressure is way better, I sleep a straight 7 to 8 hours without stopping breathing. My sleep study showed over 100 apnea events an hour! and Im now moving more. My knee is getting better, as is my energy level. My inflamation is way down. Dgs is my walking buddy 3days. But I have a long way to go. And my insurance of course won't cover Rx, still after exhausting appeals, its a no. It's very expensive but so is a funeral, or living life with sickness, disease, bad health. Most importantly, I don't want to gramma from a chair! And I want to live out my best life with dh, my kids and grands.

    I have a long way to go. I wish you all good health, too. I am and will always be a work in process. You all inspire me to work at it and keep at it!

    Love you guys! M

  • kgmoody
    kgmoody Posts: 3,224 Member
    Good morning I’ve been busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. Ha.

    Yesterday was Gary’s 64th birthday. One year left until mandatory retirement

    So, back to the dr I went. FINALLY have an answer to horrible stomach pain. Pancreatitis. So, I’m off one medication that I no longer need and that is proven to show problems. Limit alcohol, fatty foods and maintain a healthy weight. No problem.

    Gorgeous day in Indiana. The Hoosiers stomped Nebraska yesterday.

    A brewery sounds fantastic.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,855 Member
    edited October 20
    Good Sunday morning BBB Friends.
    • I've been churched and schooled. A good way to start a Sunday morning.
    • A great day on the motorcycle yesterday. My BMW riding friends get together once a month for lunch with riders from North Florida and Georgia. I tag along. We rode down near Savannah and witnessed the devastation from the hurricanes. Lots and lots of fallen trees. The small town of Wadley looked like a war zone.
    • I enjoyed watching Georgia and Tennessee win their respective games yesterday. I have a friend in Austin, so I'll limit my exuberance.
    • Congratulations on your weight loss Mary. It's an honor that you consider us friends and share your story with us. I know there are medical reason the make weight loss difficult. My problem is mental. I am near my high weight and need to either do something about it or just give in. I am afraid if I give in I won't stop gaining. I blame WW for pulling out of our area after Covid but that is just an excuse. You pay for the medication if that is what you need. I should drive the distance because that is what I need.
    • Have a great fall day BBB.
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,296 Member

    Thank you for sharing your story with your BBB family! Wishing you the VERY best in your pursuit! Sounds like you have truly found a tailored regimen and routine that works for you. #Proud.

    Here's to all of us having daily BBB chatter for many decades to come.

  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 3,017 Member
    Afternoon all.

    Mary that's huge. I'm so glad you are taking care of you no matter how that is.

    We just got back from a 11 mile bike ride. My sit bones sure know it was the second ride in 2 days. Yikes.

    We move condos on Wednesday so goal today it to cook up or toss any food I don't want to move. And finish the OJ and rum. Might go listen to a band at a beach bar later this afternoon